Tuesday, January 27, 2009

haircuts part 2

Well there have been some objections to my post and being the young,inoccent ,honest reporter I am I must tell both sides of the story including, mine (see haircuts)so here are Dad and Grandpa's sides.Which one s right or is it both?Will a family skirmish break out?Will Dad and Grandpa sit on oppisite table sides yelling?!!(Ok i'm going overboard and being plain silly because they probably will laugh and tell old,funny,embarassing stories about Dad and I might get a few indignant comments ..but back to the point.)

Dad:For the record... Grandpa was not very gentle with the scissors. I nearly lost an ear several times.- Dan

Grandpa:Let the record show that there were no injuries associated with haircuts at the Rutledge household. There may have been suggestions of what might happen if certain customers did not sit still.

See, I told you so.

1 comment:

therutledges blogspot said...


Isn't it hard to know what the real truth is!!!

love ya.