Tuesday, March 25, 2008


Melissa smiled but her heart ached as she looked at the smiling photo of her and her mother. She had died a year ago from cancer and Melissa missed her. Oh mom, her heart cried, why did you have to die? She could hear her mother's voice inside her. I'm with Jesus now. Only he knows. Youll see me again. "I WANT TO SEE YOU NOW!" wailed Melissa. She buried her head in the pillows on her bed and cried. She heard her grandma come into her room and the bed creaked as Mimi sat down by her side. "There, there" her old sweet comforting voice said. Melissa heard her sigh and knew her grandma was going through some memories. Then the sweet croaky voice said, "One time your mother...." and Melissa drifted into memories.

My House

There are Dreams floating around my house made by laughter, gatherings and the simpering scent of Mom cooking favorite dinners as they listen to the news report of the day. One girl slumbers on the couch waking up to a brainstorm of fresh thoughts and begging to draw. The older girl runs to a shelf and picks out a book to read so she may open up a new world to share with others. Games of cards, checkers, Monopoly and tag have gone on through this house during the years. A father steps in the house and after a hard day at work is greeted by joyous shouts of the 4 children and the smell of dinner. The little boys play checkers, and it is now a wounderful house.

Mysterious Moon

The Moon, a mysterious thing
Some say a man lives there
The Man of the Moon, a person
Others a white desert with craters
To mice, a great sphere of mozzerala cheese.
Neil Armstrong a big step
But whatever your opinion
It's up there laughing and glowing with the stars.
Being a Mysterious Moon.

This is a poem I wrote in 2008!! Check it out.