Monday, January 26, 2009


Henry got a haircut a few minutes ago.He looks kinda like Obama is what my dad said.Daddy also said that when he was a boy and Papa had to cut his hair,he would cry.I think Henry is going to have lots of girls when he grows up.Dad said he never had that problem so Henry will be lucky.I also think Henry will be a pro football player.Then again, you never know..but he can already throw really far( maybe 15 yards)and can do pullups(of which I can do none.Angelyn also beats me every time at tug-a-war.I don't like that.)So , here I am, Predictor of the Future(will no real sense in what it will hold).


Unknown said...

For the record... Grandpa was not very gentle with the scissors. I nearly lost an ear several times.

- Dan

therutledges blogspot said...

Let the record show that there were no injuries associated with haircuts at the Rutledge household. There may have been suggestions of what might happen if certain customers did not sit still.