Friday, January 23, 2009

doctor's visits

At some point in the week every single person in my family was stuck with some kind of needle.Ouch.It's true.I got a shot for going into middle school which didn't really hurt at the time but gets quite sore afterwords.I also got a chicken pox vaccine which hurt a little. Then the whammer.The Tb test. All you mom's with doctor-hating kids please strap them into a straight jacket to prevent serious injury to both people.(Ok teensy exaggeration,but hey it's my blog.Seriously though,it hurts.)I have no offense to Doctors,my MD is Great!I love her.And she knows us by name.Seriously.It hurts because it is right in the muscle.( my doctors name is Dr Riley, at Providence Pediatrics)My mom even had to hold my arm.I won't deny that I cried and wailed "OW MOMMY IT HURTS!!!!!!!!"But we got ice cream afterwards which was cool because we had it on Monday to for my brothers.(Lucky Henry only got a finger prick but Zane got three like me.Oh I'm a poet, don't ya know it.Just look at my toes, their long fellows.Get it?LOL)But don't say I didn't warn you!!!


megan said...

Uh oh. I guess I have a few years to get Emily ready for that one! Yikes! Hope you're feeling better now.

therutledges blogspot said...

hi kayla

Shots are never fun!!! Aren't you thankful you don't have to have one everyday.

Papa and I are enjoying baby Jamin. He is very sweet. Aunt Bekah is sick today so has been in bed.

I am glad you were able to get some snow in NC!!! Wonder how much there is in our driveway in MI???

love ya.