Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Circus

Guess What? We went to the circus! (Okay that's kind of obvious by the title but ,work with me here.)IT WAS AWESOME! Okay if you perhaps are debating whether to go to the greatest show on earth(I'm not joking, that's their name) by all means get in your car RIGHT NOW!!!They had this huge steel ball(about the size of of a tree)and 7 motorcyles rode all around in it.It had lots of horses and even TIGERS! Yes,Tigers!They had a whole routine they did!(In a net of course)They also had a elephant train, and amazing dogs,to name a few!Their was lots of dancing with amazing gymnasts and a guy who rode a motorcycle up a tight rope with a women sitting on a bar below!They even spun around! It was so cool and watch out other circuses because I have set some high standerds.


megan said...

We loved it too! I'm glad you guys got to go!

sean the fifth grader said...

ive seen the greatest show on earth to 3 times actualy it was so cool and speaking of gymnastics i got to level 4 it took me 2 years but its alout better than level 3.

therutledges blogspot said...

I love elephants!

Sounds like you had a great time.

love ya

Kim M said...

Sounds like you had a blast! We took our grandsons to the circus when they were in town. It was so much fun!
Miss Kim

Unknown said...

Your post made me regret not running off to join the circus when I was younger. Oh well.
