Sunday, February 22, 2009


I am sorry that I haven't posted in a while but i've been working on a story that I will post here later, so my posting will not be to frequent while I get that done. However,(ok I am starting to sound nerdy) I wanted to post this song that I wrote about my grandma. I might put it on video later so you can here the tune but I really don't feel like doing that now and having to record it, then plug it up to the computer and load it, click on it, write a post, and then wait for it to upload, which will take a long time. So here it is.....


Dee,she didn't like tea,

Diet Pepsi, was better for herrr.

Dee, she had poofy hair,

It stood up like air,

But she didn't care.

Dee, she liked pantsuits,

Didn't care for boots.

She liked heels though,

And in her carshe could really go!!!!

Dee, Dee,Dee,Dee, d-dee, Dee, Dee, Dee, Dee

Dee, she wore lots of beads,

And she Loves me!!


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