Saturday, August 30, 2008

Star Wars

Okay,who's a Star Wars fanatic? Who ,when they herar the theme song,can hum along to the popular, familar ,Da da dun da da da daaaaaaaa .Does anyone elase hear the,

"POW!POW!POW! I'm Yoda! No one can stop me!! " or maybe"Can I be Luke Skywalker for Halloween?"Probably. Lots of boys(and girls,they stay for herioc princecess's or Yoda or maybe they like itt too.)The aliens, bad guys and hereos have been loved by genorations of fans. I you or your child or friend orb anyone you know loves StarWars,post a comment Come Star Wars lovers, get out there and show your stripes!!Or rather yourguns and lightsabersdWHoooooooo!


Unknown said...

The force is strong with you, young Rutledge. I agree with you!!

Angela said...

We love Star Wars! When I was little, my mom used to put my hair in Princess Leia buns, and my best friend (who was a boy) had all of the action figures. He even had 2 millennium falcons! We used to play for hours.

Mark plays light sabers with our nephews constantly whenever we visit them. They love to reinact the scenes. The younger of the nephews also used to sing/hum the Star Wars theme to Catherine when she was a little baby.