Thursday, June 5, 2008

Long time,no see

I'm sorry I have not posted in a while but with school coming to and end,the busy rush of everday life and a tangle of confusion with the passwords and usernames that we use to be able to post here resulted in ......well you get the idea. The past week or so I have noticed that blogs are funnier than mine which is pretty boring. We have not had "The Boxer Rebellion" nor have I been a model for hair stilists. Instead I have been caught up in a baby mob. My teacher's (Mr.Lutomski(Mr. Lu), and with earrings and a shiny bald head with a love for Elvis he's seriously cool) wife is having Ava Larrisa Lutomski due in September. And with me just finding out about my aunt being only ten weeks pregant. I'ts really weird. Plus Mr. Lu's baby shower was today and there was alot of thanks yous and "the baby will be just adorable". My friends actually burned there own CD of baby songs for Ava. HELP! THE WORLD'S GETTING RUN OVER BY BABY'S!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

1 comment:

therutledges blogspot said...

hi Kayla:

Nice to see you had time to blog.
Mr. Lu - how exciting. I bet he is really excited.

Can't wait to see you.
