Sunday, December 19, 2010
A Social Network Christmas
This video was shown at my church recently. If I was on facebook, this is something i would like. LOL
Saturday, December 4, 2010
The Mall
Hell everyone! Kayla here! I just got back from Concord Mills mall. It was super fun! Me and my youth group went shopping for our families. I got the best deals! Super cool items, even though it turned out that me and one of my friends both got the same thing for the same person! Ha ha! Oh, and FYI, Claires has a ten items for 10$ and a bunch of half priced stuff! Since most of lares things are 8$ or more, this was a thrill for me and my BFFy's! I got some cool stuff there. Basically the scoop on Concord is- out of ten- Claires:7, Forever 21: 5, Dollar Store: 4,Bath and Body Works: 3, Nail Kiosk: 0, Books A Million: 2, Sbarro: 3, and the movies:5. So this is your roving reporter Kayla signing off. You know I only go through the terrible hardship of hitting the mall with my friends, seeing a movie, and shopping for the whole day for you guys right? Right? Yep.
Thursday, November 25, 2010
Hi Everyone, and sorry I haven't posted in a while-been pretty busy. But yes, I am still alive, and no, you can't have my room Marina (I heard those groans). I just logged on to say Happy Thanksgiving. May your turkeys be merry and your mashed potatoes be...squishy. Are mashed potatoes squishy? I dunno. Anyway, have a great day (It's a day dedicated to eating right? It has to be great!) and BE CAREFUL ON BLACK FRIDAY! No tackling like last year! :) Happy holidays!!
Oh and by the way, just 'cause we got whole holiday for it, say thanks to somebody today. It's easy! BTW, thanks for reading this!
Oh and by the way, just 'cause we got whole holiday for it, say thanks to somebody today. It's easy! BTW, thanks for reading this!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
You Know You Live In The Wrong State When......
When your supposedly "pro" football team loses 34-3 and your high team down the street wins 69-67. Oh, an also, your pro's one and seven, they didn't throw to they're star player at all, they didn't throw hardly at all, and a "good play" is one you get more than two yards on. Yup. I live in the wrong state for a football fan. sigh
Friday, October 22, 2010
Rural Hill
Hi guys! I just had a super fun day! I went to the Rural Hill Corn Maze. My group mad it through the maze in 53 minutes! The average time is an hour and a half. Walking through a seemingly endless maze was fun, and we even got a flag to wave if we had to get led out! The maze was cut out as a wagon with a horse and rider. I you went down into the horse's feet you got out. You couldn't just walk around the rectangle or you would get stuck.
Monday, October 18, 2010

Hello hello hello! I am so sorry for my horrible non posting ( I mean, that is NOT a good way to treat readers ) But you have to understand, I get lots of homework, so after I'm done my brain is still in shock, so it's hard to write. I like to play outside at times like that. Anyway, just posting to let you know I'm alive, and to share this cute little comic with you. Enjoy!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
Hey everyone how is it going? This is just a random post. I'm going to put something in about my dad because he said that he always checks my blog to see if there is something about him. He is really cool because he works hard and he helps me with techie stuff. Anyway, he just got my mom a new workout DVD. They just did P90X and now they're going to do INSANITY. Mom said it was the only workout in which the people demonstrating couldn't finish. I watched a little bit of it. It was frighting. Like Halloween store frightening. The guy who leads it is super fit, and does all the workouts while talking, even everyone else collapses. I think he's going to be in one of my nightmares. Yikes! It was kinda fun to see peoples faces contorted in agony, and collapsing. Maybe I'll get up early and watch my mom and dad do it one day.While screaming encouraging things like " MOVE PEOPLE MOVE!!!" and "YOU CALL THAT A SIT-UP WOMAN? MY GRANDMA CAN DO BETTER THAN YOU!!" :)
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Sorry Peeps
Hey Everyone! I'm sorry for not posting lately, school has started up in full stotm and I am very, VERY busy. But I'm okay, alive, and no ulcers present. Yet. :) Have a good day!
Thursday, September 16, 2010
The No Title Post
I was right! Youth group did make me feel better. Aaaa, nothing like playing wii and kickball in the church parking lot. Good times, good times.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Is solemn today. It's not that I didn't have a good day. I did. Mostly. But to many people are sad today, or worried today. That makes me sad. Ok I guess I had a pretty sad day. Maybe youth group will cheer me up.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Faceblog Part 2
Hey everybody this is just kind of an addition to my last post so read that first. Anyway I just wanted to say to y'all, feel free to create your own faceblog. Just make ur URL something like Let us become an empire! Let all who are under thirteen rise up! Or if you already have a blog you can title a certain post faceblog and make ur faceblog an extension of ur blog. You don't even have to make one to friend me or make comments. This is just for fun. It's not like I'll dedicate my life to it. Hehe. Well, you never know. They are making a movie about the guy who created facebook. Look out world here I come!
Hey Everybody! I have just decided to make a new blog. It is called FaceBlog, and it is short comments inspired by facebook but since I'm not thirteen I can't have a page, so I created this. If you ask me by commenting you can even friend me!
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Matthews Alive
Well, this week your editor had her first week of school. That was fun, but as you can see from the title of this post, it is not what I am writing about. I am writing about Matthews alive. I went to Matthews Alive yesterday. It was SUPER fun. In the morning I got to be in the parade. I rode on the float for Christian Adoption Services. My mom works there. Then, in the afternoon I went to the craftbooths. Everything was really cool. I got a lemon italian ice and walked around looking at all the neat crafts. There we blankets, hair bands, even edible birdhouses that were really feeders! My brothers got guns that shoot rubber bands. EEK! We had a GREAT time. I hope you can go too!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
The Post Of All The Cool Blog Comments!
Hello everyone, and welcome to..........The Post Of All The Cool Blog Comments! Has a nice ring to it, don't you think? Anyway, here you are!
Emily's Blog said...
In response to the picture of me as a little kid in a Dorothy costume
Megan said...
Emily's Blog said...
Wow! those sand things were so cool! you are really good @ that!
In response to the picture of me as a little kid in a Dorothy costume

That is so adorable!!!
Why, thanks guys, I try. No autographs .
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
School Starts Soon!

Saturday, August 21, 2010
Vacation Part 2: Camping
Hey everybody! After the wedding, we went camping with all my Grandpa's college friends, their kids, and their kid's kids. It was super fun, because a long time ago, they all went there a few years in a row.One year there was a sand castle contest at the lake. They were engineers, and made a AWESOME sandcastle. They won, and a few years later decided to continue to come back again each year to the same beach to build cool sand sculptures from movies. They got pretty good at it, and the campsite now advertises their visits each year. Part of the beach gets blocked off for it. This year we held another sandcastle contest. I got to judge, and I helped with some of this years sculptures. I even built a minion from despicable me. (See picture below) As my Grandpa puts it, " We have fun."
That's how the story goes. Feel free to correct me if I got a part wrong.
Zane, Allie, and Zack built Bob the Blob. Not sure where Zack is.
Can you find me?
What can I say, do we look fabulous or WHAT?
Me and Angelyn built a minion from despicable me. HE IS SO AWESOME!!!
Dad and Uncle Jamie's Ironman.
Yum, Breakfast!
Hard at work.
That's how the story goes. Feel free to correct me if I got a part wrong.

Vacation Part 1 : The Wedding
A few days ago, your roving reporter took a vacation. Camping and a wedding. Wow, was THAT completely different. Here is some s pictures of the wedding, or the first part. My Dad's cousin's son, Ben, got married. It was really pretty. Some of the pictures are from the rehearsal, but most pictures are from the also gorgeous reception. Enjoy! Camping photos to come soon.
The wedding rehearsal. I just put it in to show how gorgeous the church was.
Dance,Ty, Dance!
A photo booth they had set up.
The wedding rehearsal. I just put it in to show how gorgeous the church was.
Dance,Ty, Dance!
A photo booth they had set up.
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Aspiring Secretary?
Hey guys! I am very excited because I am with my Grandma at her work, working on a laptop as a secretary! It is really fun! I especially LOVE the intercom! Maybe I'll be a secretary when I grow up! It's fun! I bet they wouldn't let you check your email or post on your blog during work though. You'd probably have to do real work. Hmm that might be a problem...... :) Don't worry, I would NEVER neglect you guys. Probably.
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Sunday, August 8, 2010
School Supplies (Cont'd)
Hey guys! So yesterday I went to some OTHER stores to get school supplies. I had better results. After checking Staples, Office Depot, AND the office supplies at Target, I managed to find.......
- 1 mirror for my locker (Office Depot)
- 6 magnets (Staples)
-1 portfolio (Target)
And now, whether you like it or not... here (in full detail) is how I got them. First stop- Staples. I checked out the locker display and was pretty lame. Nothing I didn't already have and the mirrors were black or a dark blue, not like the one I was looking for. I did manage to find some cool magnets (though, unknown to me, but now known to you, they have cooler ones at Office Depot. So that was my Staples experience.
Next- Office Depot. Way more helpful. More colors,cool stuff, and a great new green mirror. Oh, and check there rather Target if they BOTH have the thing you are looking for- the stuff I looked at at Office Depot was MUCH more magnetic.
And lastly- Target. (Erica tell your mom she really helped last year. See all the transitions I'm using?:) Not much new in the school supply aisle, but then I look in the office supplies. See, I've been looking for a portfolio instead of a folder to keep my homework in. It has different pockets for each subject. When I've looked in the School supplies, it's mostly 3 ringed binders. But this time I went to the offices supplies, and found a few. yay!
So there you have it folks! My quest for the perfect school supplies! Hope I didn't bore you, but hey, don't read it if you find me terribly talkative (or should I say, typeative) and annoying. It's my job to inform you of news, even if you find it really awful. So go ahead, delete me from your blog list, sever ties with me, stop friending me on facebook! Oh, wait, I don't have a facebook page. Hmmmm.... maybe you could get revenge through my parents? Any way, this is your roving reporter here, signing off. May you complete your ultimate school supply quest! Sleep tight, drive safe, and as my friend Marina would say " Eat your broccoli!"
- 1 mirror for my locker (Office Depot)
- 6 magnets (Staples)
-1 portfolio (Target)
And now, whether you like it or not... here (in full detail) is how I got them. First stop- Staples. I checked out the locker display and was pretty lame. Nothing I didn't already have and the mirrors were black or a dark blue, not like the one I was looking for. I did manage to find some cool magnets (though, unknown to me, but now known to you, they have cooler ones at Office Depot. So that was my Staples experience.
Next- Office Depot. Way more helpful. More colors,cool stuff, and a great new green mirror. Oh, and check there rather Target if they BOTH have the thing you are looking for- the stuff I looked at at Office Depot was MUCH more magnetic.
And lastly- Target. (Erica tell your mom she really helped last year. See all the transitions I'm using?:) Not much new in the school supply aisle, but then I look in the office supplies. See, I've been looking for a portfolio instead of a folder to keep my homework in. It has different pockets for each subject. When I've looked in the School supplies, it's mostly 3 ringed binders. But this time I went to the offices supplies, and found a few. yay!
So there you have it folks! My quest for the perfect school supplies! Hope I didn't bore you, but hey, don't read it if you find me terribly talkative (or should I say, typeative) and annoying. It's my job to inform you of news, even if you find it really awful. So go ahead, delete me from your blog list, sever ties with me, stop friending me on facebook! Oh, wait, I don't have a facebook page. Hmmmm.... maybe you could get revenge through my parents? Any way, this is your roving reporter here, signing off. May you complete your ultimate school supply quest! Sleep tight, drive safe, and as my friend Marina would say " Eat your broccoli!"
Saturday, August 7, 2010
School Supplies
So it is tax free weekend and I am SO excited because well, I LOVE to shop for back to school AND last night I got my backpack at Target. It is super cool. It looks like a tote bag, but you put it on your back! It is also HUGE inside and really unique. I'm also trying to get new stuff for my locker but it is REALLY hard because half of the stuff won't support it's own weight on a locker door, let alone any pencils. I have a blue locker set too, and apparently blue went out of style because they have literally NOTHING that's blue! But I have only been to Target for locker stuff (not counting websites) , so maybe I'll find better stuff somewhere else. That's all for now!
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Monday, August 2, 2010
Photos of ME
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
An Update On What I've Been Doing While You Where All Like " What Is She Doing?"
Went to a 4th of July BBQ with our friends
Saved The baby birds in a wreath on my Grandma's house from power washing.
(They survived and left the nest!)
Went on a Daddy/Daughter date.
Among other things I
- Changed my first diaper ( which is really to gross to be proud of)
- Helped at a VBS at Jackson Park Ministries
- Ha fun when our family came to town
- My friend came back from China for a visit and I got to see her
- Went to Church
- Learned that the house next door is for sale. Takers anyone?
So, that's what I've been doing while you guys were all like "what is she doing?"
Saved The baby birds in a wreath on my Grandma's house from power washing.
(They survived and left the nest!)
Went on a Daddy/Daughter date.
Among other things I
- Changed my first diaper ( which is really to gross to be proud of)
- Helped at a VBS at Jackson Park Ministries
- Ha fun when our family came to town
- My friend came back from China for a visit and I got to see her
- Went to Church
- Learned that the house next door is for sale. Takers anyone?
So, that's what I've been doing while you guys were all like "what is she doing?"
Monday, July 19, 2010
Me: A Simple Little Post
Saturday, July 17, 2010
The Post Of All The Cool Blog Comments!
Hello viewers. Just thought you'd like to see what people have to say about Thoughts Of A Not-So-Soon To Be A Twelve year old.......
Dear Kayla.
Could you please add an "air freshener" widget to your blog? Having Jerry to the left makes your whole blog smell. That is one stinky guinea pig. If you could find an air freshener to add to the page, that'd be great. Thanks.
In response to the posts about VBS....
Way to go Kayla! Bet you never thought about how much work it was for the workers when you were one of the VBS kids!
Love the new look of your blog!
Miss Kim
In response to the death defying video of the illegal trail......
ahh! i am scared of heights anyway but, i almost fainted too!!
hope your having a fun summer!
i miss you!
In response to the 24 hour flu post...
I'm so sorry! When I dropped some things by your house yesterday, your mom said you weren't feeling well. I hope you're up and running soon!
-Angela Sluder
Thanks viewers, and be careful what you post, because next time YOUR comment could be on....The Post Of All The Cool Blog Comments! (oh and, little tip.. the funniest comments are the ones we post.)
So see ya next time folks, and then maybe your comment will be on.....The Post Of All The Cool Blog Comments!
Dear Kayla.
Could you please add an "air freshener" widget to your blog? Having Jerry to the left makes your whole blog smell. That is one stinky guinea pig. If you could find an air freshener to add to the page, that'd be great. Thanks.
In response to the posts about VBS....
Way to go Kayla! Bet you never thought about how much work it was for the workers when you were one of the VBS kids!
Love the new look of your blog!
Miss Kim
In response to the death defying video of the illegal trail......
ahh! i am scared of heights anyway but, i almost fainted too!!
hope your having a fun summer!
i miss you!
In response to the 24 hour flu post...
I'm so sorry! When I dropped some things by your house yesterday, your mom said you weren't feeling well. I hope you're up and running soon!
-Angela Sluder
Thanks viewers, and be careful what you post, because next time YOUR comment could be on....The Post Of All The Cool Blog Comments! (oh and, little tip.. the funniest comments are the ones we post.)
So see ya next time folks, and then maybe your comment will be on.....The Post Of All The Cool Blog Comments!
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
My sister
Hey guys. I would like everyone today to pray for my sister Angelyn, who is in surgery right now. Thankfully we have amazing doctors, and more importantly, a awesome God. So if you are reading this, please say a prayer. Thanks SO much.
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Light and Dark
Check out this hilarious comic on my friend marina's blog. Isn't it cute?
Friday, July 2, 2010
Hey guys guess what? I am SUPER excited! Yesterday I got an Itouch! I can post on my blog with it! (as long as I have wi-fi). So here I am! Have a super day you guys!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Bible school is over. :( . It was a great week! They had so much fun. Every day we went to crafts where the kids made cute little things like cowboys vests and sheriff badges. Strangely enough, almost none of them wanted to WEAR their crafts. Hmmmm... Next we would go to worship, which I can't tell you much about because I was having my break! Oh yeah! The break room was fabulous.:) Then we headed back to the room for some cute snacks. There were only two days where they ALL sat down. Tee-hee. Next came bible, where we sang a little and gathered around a "campfire" to hear a bible story. We had some trouble getting them to sit and listen. After that we went to a puppet show or learning center. One day we " mined for gold" in little tubs. I would wave my hand over the "gold" in my opposite hand, say abracadabra, then drop it into the water. The kids LOVED it! It was so funny to see them try! Then we would head to the playground, and finally back to our room. It was a very fun, very EXHAUSTING week. Giddy up, little cowboys and cowgirl! We hope you learned more about God!
Saturday, June 26, 2010
El Camino del Rey 2010 HD: Balance
OH MY WORD! This is so scary. I just about fainted watching it!!!
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Today will be the second day of my VBS career. Those 2's are exausting. I tell you, I have probably dealt with 4 MAMA! tantrums in the 24 hours. Whew! I even caught a cold from one of them. But they are sweet sometimes. Next year, I'm stciking with the 4's!
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Happy Father's Day!
Today is Father's day, and I would like to thank my wonderful dad for being, well, THE BEST DAD EVER!!! I hope you enjoy your special day, and don't worry..........we only burnt a small part of the house down. Just Kidding! Have a happy day!
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Upward Shoot
Today I went to an Upward shoot and shot some videos. It was really fun! I'll post some pictures of all the silly costumes I got to wear later.:) They even threw a snowball at me!!
Monday, June 14, 2010
A Day
I'm excited because today I am going to my friends house. We are going to play and swim! I can't wait!
Also, have you checked out Blogger's new Template Designer? It's so cool! If you click on backround, then backround image, it gives you at least 50 backrounds to choose from. It took me a while to decide!!!
Also, have you checked out Blogger's new Template Designer? It's so cool! If you click on backround, then backround image, it gives you at least 50 backrounds to choose from. It took me a while to decide!!!
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Hey, check out my hamster on the sidebar! Her name is Goldie and if you click on that button that says more, you can feed her a strawberry. Click on her, and she''ll run on her wheel. Give her TLC!
Also, I have my guinea pig jerry on there too. He also has a "more" button.
Also, I have my guinea pig jerry on there too. He also has a "more" button.
Saturday, June 12, 2010
I can't wait until VBS! I'm helping with the two year olds - should be an adventure.:) I'm interested to see what they're going to do with this new wild west theme.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
The Bug
Ugh. Guess who has got the 24 hour stomach bug. Not fun. I hate being sick.
On a brighter note, my friend Madi and her sister Reagan just started blogs. The links are both on my sidebar. If you click on Madi's blog and play the "Chicken Jane" video, that's me who's filming.(and screaming)
On a brighter note, my friend Madi and her sister Reagan just started blogs. The links are both on my sidebar. If you click on Madi's blog and play the "Chicken Jane" video, that's me who's filming.(and screaming)
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Her Morning Elegance
"This is the music video for Oren Lavie's Her Morning Elegance. Lavie is a singer, songwriter and playwright from Israel. This entire video is done in stop-motion. And it's really cool. It's made up of roughly 3225 still photographs. A camera hanging from the ceiling took the photos. Shooting the video took two full days. It turned out great."
-Kim Komando
Isn't this video cool?
Monday, June 7, 2010
It is officially summer! I must say, I wasn't looking forward to all the down time and time without friends, but so far, I am loving all the time I have. The novelty might wear off soon though, it is only 9:16 on the first REAL morning of summer.... Oh well, let's hope it stays this way. How has your summer been?
" There is nothing worth living for, unless it is worth dying for."
-I forgot who said this.
Here is a random picture of me and Henry last summer.
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Angelyn's Dance
Yesterday was my sister's dance recital. It went good and she did a awesome job. Yea Angelyn! Pics to come soon...
Friday, June 4, 2010
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Monday, May 31, 2010
My Memorial Day
Hey guys. Sitting here at my table. We had an indoor BBQ today with the Sluders and Vespa's. We had a great time and played some weird games from Minute to Win It, a show where they use household items to play random games (like get eight ping-pong balls out of a tissue box strapped to your bottom). If you win you get money(or, in our case,Peanut-Butter MnM's,mmmmm). You also are probably wondering what I meant when I said we had an indoor barbecue. Well, it was raining so hard we dragged the grill into the garage and grilled. It got pretty smoky.Happy Memorial Day!
Sunday, May 30, 2010
I Hate The Heat
Ugh. I hate the heat. Sorry, strong words were called for here. Let me just by saying one of the banes of my life is sweat. I hate to sweat. I hate feeling sticky, I hate smelling, I hate being sunburned, the whole package that comes with being in the sun. I'm just a clean person. I don't lioke feeling exremely hot or extremely cold. That is why fall and spring are my favorite seasons. (Excusing the pollen and bird migrating north.) My family has pointed out that I don't even live in a place where it is really "hot" or seriously "cold". North Carolina isn't really "THE SOUTH". Well trust me, these days it feels like it, And I better get used to the heat or be forever stuck indoors. Sigh. Maybe I'll migrate like a bird.
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Stuff I Do When I'm Bored

Hmmm.... don't really hae much to post about, so I'll do what I usally do when I'm bored- go to my favorite blogs, click on a random month (preferably with lots of posts) and read old posts that make me laugh. Ah good times, good times. I'm not the only one doing this right? There are others?
Then, I''ll do the second thing I do when there's not much to post about.(Hey, when you post every day, you use all the material you have.) Now I know what your thinking. "When she doesn't have anyhting to post she talks forever about how she has nothing to post about for a while and tries to fill space so that her posts don't look short." Yes, that is another reson, but not this one. I post a random picture(s). Enjoy!
Friday, May 28, 2010
Librarys: The Banes when They're Non-Existent
Today we went on a nature walk.(For more details see Angelyn's blog.) Afterwards we were going to go to the library. I was ready for the cool-air conditioning, the sweet smell of paper, and curling up with a new title. I had some great ideas, since we had just done book reports in my class. Then the awful thought popped into my head. Isn't the library closed on Fridays? Yep. Total disappointment. I mean, come on, Friday is like the best day of the week! No one gets books on Thursdays! I am out of school on Fridays! It is the perfect time to swing by for a book! In the summer, people want to grab a book on Friday for the pool on Saturday! This is murder! They can't do this!
Don't even get me started on other disappointments! Do you know that the library closes at seven???!!! I mean, who is going to get a book during the day? If you have kids, then the most convient time to go is after dinner, when the older ones are done with school and the dads get home from work so there's two sets of hands for the younger ones! Readers REBEL! Post a comment if you agree! Otherwise, we soon may be having a lacking generation of readers due to inability to recieve books! It's probably great for the book stores though...
Don't even get me started on other disappointments! Do you know that the library closes at seven???!!! I mean, who is going to get a book during the day? If you have kids, then the most convient time to go is after dinner, when the older ones are done with school and the dads get home from work so there's two sets of hands for the younger ones! Readers REBEL! Post a comment if you agree! Otherwise, we soon may be having a lacking generation of readers due to inability to recieve books! It's probably great for the book stores though...
Angelyn's Blog
Hey check out my sister Angelyn's blog! She is going to post more now. The address is Enjoy!!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
Hey guys! I just added a new thing where after every post there is a poll where you can click on different things like great job!, Or I like it! Check it out!
I Don't Like It
I don't like the end of the year. I don't like cleaning out folders, I don't like saying goodbye,I don't like people asking me when I get out of school, I don't like watching my friends leave our classroom for the last time, I don't like knowing I won't see them for months. The end is fun, but not as fun as walking into your classroom on a Monday morning, soaking in the warm kindness, and knowing that your in your second home.I don't want that to end, I never will, but want it to or not,it will end. And yet, I can't wait till school starts again, new books, new bags, new friends. I like new, but new just isn't the same as my old friend familiar.
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Louie Giglio - Laminin (short version)
This is the best video in the world. I stole it from Marina's blog. Laminin, just watch it and see what I mean.
For The Birds
OH MY WORD! Check out Marina's new blog, for the birds. It is all about birdboxes!!
Go to
Go to
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Bluebird Documentery
Here is a video for those who want to know more about bluebirds. Oh, also, put quotes around me when I say "bluebirds like their privacy." That's from my directions for my box.
My Dream Profession
I would love to be a radio host. Like Eric and Erica on New Life 91.9. I could drop the kids off at school head to work, talk, talk, and talk some more, then drive to pick up the kids! Four days a week and I would love it! You basically talk about what's in the paper and other news. And it is all family friendly, which is what I like about it. I wouldn't want to be a TV news reporter. Too much crime! Plus, it is all for Him! I wonder if you have to have a special degree to get into the buisness. I am a professional talker you know. I do not know how I could live if I couldn't talk. I'd be posting a lot more, that's for sure! Maybe I could be a professional blogger! What is your dream profession? Comment and tell me!
Monday, May 24, 2010
What to Say when you Have Absolutely Nothing to Say At All, But Still Feel Like Posting
Yep, I know it's a long title, but it pretty much describes this post. A bunch of random stuff that somehow doesn't make its own post.
1. I am officially back on wheat! For those who don't know me, I have been off wheat for a while now, and today the doc said I could be back on. HOORAY!!!
2. In my class, we each have been doing a bio board. ( AKA:report on a famous dead person) Mine was on Albert Einstein, and I give my speech this week. Not qualifiing for a HOORAY, but definitely a good thing!
3. Check out my friend Marina's latest post about excuses.
4. Still nothing in the little bluebird box in my backyard. I did film a cool documentery on bluebirds and boxes, for those who want to know more about that kind of stuff, because you should NEVER, EVER use or moniter a bluebird box without properly knowing how. It could cause injury to you, the bird, and/or the eggs. (I haven't gotten around to editing it yet, but watch for it soon.)
5. Check my blog for fishing photos. Coming soon.
6. I wish the panther season would start again.
7. I wish the school year wasn't over.
8. I wish I could see my friends over summer.
9. I wish this list wasn't so pathetically turning into a wish list because I have nothing left to say (which hardly ever happens, that is why I have a blog) and can't think of any other ending.:)
PS Isn't list making so relaxing?
1. I am officially back on wheat! For those who don't know me, I have been off wheat for a while now, and today the doc said I could be back on. HOORAY!!!
2. In my class, we each have been doing a bio board. ( AKA:report on a famous dead person) Mine was on Albert Einstein, and I give my speech this week. Not qualifiing for a HOORAY, but definitely a good thing!
3. Check out my friend Marina's latest post about excuses.
4. Still nothing in the little bluebird box in my backyard. I did film a cool documentery on bluebirds and boxes, for those who want to know more about that kind of stuff, because you should NEVER, EVER use or moniter a bluebird box without properly knowing how. It could cause injury to you, the bird, and/or the eggs. (I haven't gotten around to editing it yet, but watch for it soon.)
5. Check my blog for fishing photos. Coming soon.
6. I wish the panther season would start again.
7. I wish the school year wasn't over.
8. I wish I could see my friends over summer.
9. I wish this list wasn't so pathetically turning into a wish list because I have nothing left to say (which hardly ever happens, that is why I have a blog) and can't think of any other ending.:)
PS Isn't list making so relaxing?
The Year
Not much to post about again. It is the end of the year, school is finishing up, and everything seems calm and lazy. It's kind of nerve-racking. "The school year is over!" The paper seems to rustle. "Your job is almost done!" says the scratch of your pencil. Your backpack is starting to show wear and tear, signs of endless hours hauling heavy books. Your desk,locker,cubby, is messy, old, full of laughter and stories, like the soft wrinkles in an old face. It is the end, yet only the beginning of a new chapter, one of lemonade stands and swimsuits, late night sleepovers and early morning snores. Then the year will start again, with fresh paper, earnest pencils, clean backpacks and young lockers. Maybe it has to end, has to die, to start over, to become young again. But that doesn't make the passing of another year any less painful.
Hey all! I just wanted to say that from now on, I will be posting at least once a day, maybe more. So check me out every day!
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Angry Driver
A guy was at a stoplight. The light turned yellow, just in front of him. He did the right thing, stopping at the crosswalk, even though he could have beaten the red light by accelerating through the intersection.
The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.
As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up.
He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.
After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.
He said, ''I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, screaming at the guy in front of you and cursing at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, so naturally....I assumed you had stolen the car.''
This really makes you think!
The tailgating woman was furious and honked her horn, screaming in frustration, as she missed her chance to get through the intersection, dropping her cell phone and makeup.
As she was still in mid-rant, she heard a tap on her window and looked up into the face of a very serious police officer. The officer ordered her to exit her car with her hands up.
He took her to the police station where she was searched, fingerprinted, photographed, and placed in a holding cell.
After a couple of hours, a policeman approached the cell and opened the door. She was escorted back to the booking desk where the arresting officer was waiting with her personal effects.
He said, ''I'm very sorry for this mistake. You see, I pulled up behind your car while you were blowing your horn, screaming at the guy in front of you and cursing at him. I noticed the 'What Would Jesus Do' bumper sticker, the 'Choose Life' license plate holder, the 'Follow Me to Sunday-School' bumper sticker, and the chrome-plated Christian fish emblem on the trunk, so naturally....I assumed you had stolen the car.''
This really makes you think!
That's So Random
Another video brought to you by Kayla R. Productions. NOTE: This was not copied from Sonny With A Chance. The director had never seen the show.
Surviving The Hook
Yesterday we went fishing! It was really cool. We saw a water snake and a couple turtles. I was kind of discouraged though. I had spent two hours with a nice Zebco 202 and caught nothing. We have two fishing rods that are my brothers, so we switched around. Zane got tired of waiting for a turn and he and Grandpa made a fishing rod out of a stick attached to some fishing line, a bobber, and a hook with a worm on it. Now, it couldn't go far, but you could drop it right near the dock, and if I were a fish, that's where I would be on such a hot day. Eventually I switched with Henry (who was in possession of the homeade rod at that moment) and got the stick. God sure has a sense of humor. Within in five minutes I had caught two fish. Here is the story of the catch, (copied from Marina's idea) from his point of view...
There I was, under the dock out of the hot sunshine, when suddenly I saw a worm, dangling in the water. He looked as if he had been cut in half, and was passing out. I had to help him. Worms are nice, once I actually had met a very nice one named Fred, but that is another story. I quickly began performing first aid, but suddenly, something jabbed through my mouth, and I couldn't leave! Then I was yanked out of the water! (Which, as you could certainly imagine, hurt my poor cheek even more.) AHH!!!!! I gasped for breath! A giant freakish fish with no fins and HAIR was staring at me! "Look Papa!", she cried, "I caught a fish!" Yes, obviously! Now could she get me out of this thing? Suddenly another smaller, freakish fish stared at me."Aw, he is so cute!" he said, and began petting me! It was digusting! Then the girl fish smiled and held me up. A giant flashing explosion went off! I screamed. "I got the picture", said yet another fish. He quickly unhooked me(oh, pain,pain,pain!!) and threw me into the watery depths. The boy fish threw a worm too, which I quickly ate(No more worm rescueing for me!)and swam off. I was told later that I had survived the HOOK!
There I was, under the dock out of the hot sunshine, when suddenly I saw a worm, dangling in the water. He looked as if he had been cut in half, and was passing out. I had to help him. Worms are nice, once I actually had met a very nice one named Fred, but that is another story. I quickly began performing first aid, but suddenly, something jabbed through my mouth, and I couldn't leave! Then I was yanked out of the water! (Which, as you could certainly imagine, hurt my poor cheek even more.) AHH!!!!! I gasped for breath! A giant freakish fish with no fins and HAIR was staring at me! "Look Papa!", she cried, "I caught a fish!" Yes, obviously! Now could she get me out of this thing? Suddenly another smaller, freakish fish stared at me."Aw, he is so cute!" he said, and began petting me! It was digusting! Then the girl fish smiled and held me up. A giant flashing explosion went off! I screamed. "I got the picture", said yet another fish. He quickly unhooked me(oh, pain,pain,pain!!) and threw me into the watery depths. The boy fish threw a worm too, which I quickly ate(No more worm rescueing for me!)and swam off. I was told later that I had survived the HOOK!
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Great Blue Heron

Yesterday I was at my friends house, which is on the banks of a river. We went kayaking and I got to paddle around with my friends. Let me tell you, kayaking is not for wimps. I am going to have rock-solid muscles after this. It was awesome! So we were out on the lake and I saw a Great Blue Heron. He was so beautiful! We got to close and he flew to a nearby tree. It was the first one i have seen and it was majestic.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Bluebird Box

So I just got a bluebird box. We have them at school. They are for Eastern Bluebirds to nest in. (since they are cavity dwellers) I hung it up on a tree in my backyard. I am hoping something will nest in it soon. Once they do, you can monitor the box. (By the way, the tale that birds won't come back to their eggs if you get near them is fake.) Bluebirds used to be going extinct, but now they are doing pretty well. They still can be killed by sparrows for the boxes. Want to learn more? Chck out
High Five Etiquette
Ha! This is the funniest video! I love it! It is all about the proper way to high-five. Check it out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Erica's Blog
Oh my word! My friend Erica just made a cool new blog! Check it out at , or click on Erica's blog on the list my favorite blogs. Welcome to the world of bloggers Erica!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Impossible motion: magnet-like slopes
Check out this reverse gravity thing. The balls roll up the slopes, with "no magnets." (Kim Komando) I especially think Marina will like this, since she did her science fair project on this stuff. Watch the whole video to see how it works. Also scroll down and check out my blog post titled A Patient, A Doctor,and One Funny Story.
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
A Patient, a Doctor, and One Funny Story
Well, there isn't really much to post about, but I didn't want to leave my loyal blog followers hanging.And then I thought, why not post some normal day to day stuff? I rarely do it, and that is what blogs are for, correct? So here it is, whether you like it or not, my day to day life...
Yesterday in Science my teacher told us we were going to become doctors and dissect some patients.(We were learning about microsurgery) We would have to remove certain body parts. The thing is, she didn't tell us what they were. Now the girls (not gender wise girls, personality-wise gils) started freaking out, saying they were going to be sick. I am not going to sugar-coat it,I was a little worried about the delicious lunch I packed now probably going to waste, but who doesn't want to dissect things? ( most of the girls in my class, but they would get over it)So my teacher makes us disenfect the tables,scrub up to our elbows, and put on gloves and a surgical mask. She is still not telling what we are operating on, though I'm half-hoping for frogs. Then, she finally hands out the unsuspecting little fruit patients. Yep, I said FRUIT. We were going to dissect oranges and lemons. My teacher had asked for animals, but the school said we weren't ready. Major bummer. We then began the normal (not micro) surgery. My teacher told us to slice the patients in half. Luke, (who is probably going to be one of the only doctors in our entire class) made a careful slice down the "chest" of his patient, not completely slicing him in two, and began carefully removing seeds. I, on the other hand...
Well, let's just say I am definitly not going to consider a career in the medical buisness. I sliced my patient completely in half, which would have definitly killed him, much more than the "cancerous" seeds I was to remove. I then began mulitating the patient loking for seeds. Let's just say I think his "cancer" was a mis-diagnosis. The little bugger had abolutely no seeds. I finally found one, and let's just say by then, he wasn't going to recover.I couldn't even get him stiched up.
Now, moving on to the microsugery. This time I vowed to be civilized. Yeah right. I was suppsed to poke a small hole in Mr. Orange, then fish around for some seeds. Yeah, he must have had a seedless body because trust me, I did a lot more than fish around in there. I think I stabbed his heart through.
So my medical career was a bust. Maybe I'll consider a new job. Only it better be far away from my science classroom, because I think the relatives of my patients might sue me for their babies indefinite hospital stay. Those patients did make great orange/lemon juice though.
(Oh, and Mrs. McEwen, if your'e reading this, can I get extra credit?)
Yesterday in Science my teacher told us we were going to become doctors and dissect some patients.(We were learning about microsurgery) We would have to remove certain body parts. The thing is, she didn't tell us what they were. Now the girls (not gender wise girls, personality-wise gils) started freaking out, saying they were going to be sick. I am not going to sugar-coat it,I was a little worried about the delicious lunch I packed now probably going to waste, but who doesn't want to dissect things? ( most of the girls in my class, but they would get over it)So my teacher makes us disenfect the tables,scrub up to our elbows, and put on gloves and a surgical mask. She is still not telling what we are operating on, though I'm half-hoping for frogs. Then, she finally hands out the unsuspecting little fruit patients. Yep, I said FRUIT. We were going to dissect oranges and lemons. My teacher had asked for animals, but the school said we weren't ready. Major bummer. We then began the normal (not micro) surgery. My teacher told us to slice the patients in half. Luke, (who is probably going to be one of the only doctors in our entire class) made a careful slice down the "chest" of his patient, not completely slicing him in two, and began carefully removing seeds. I, on the other hand...
Well, let's just say I am definitly not going to consider a career in the medical buisness. I sliced my patient completely in half, which would have definitly killed him, much more than the "cancerous" seeds I was to remove. I then began mulitating the patient loking for seeds. Let's just say I think his "cancer" was a mis-diagnosis. The little bugger had abolutely no seeds. I finally found one, and let's just say by then, he wasn't going to recover.I couldn't even get him stiched up.
Now, moving on to the microsugery. This time I vowed to be civilized. Yeah right. I was suppsed to poke a small hole in Mr. Orange, then fish around for some seeds. Yeah, he must have had a seedless body because trust me, I did a lot more than fish around in there. I think I stabbed his heart through.
So my medical career was a bust. Maybe I'll consider a new job. Only it better be far away from my science classroom, because I think the relatives of my patients might sue me for their babies indefinite hospital stay. Those patients did make great orange/lemon juice though.
(Oh, and Mrs. McEwen, if your'e reading this, can I get extra credit?)
Monday, May 17, 2010
The Luckiest People On Earth
TVKim- Watching: Kim's Picks- The luckiest people on Earth
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Ha.. you got to love this video. It's called The Luckiest People On Earth. Some people get all the luck! I especially love the last clip..
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Ha.. you got to love this video. It's called The Luckiest People On Earth. Some people get all the luck! I especially love the last clip..
Normal Day
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Yesterday we went to Edventure, a creativity museum in South Carolina. It was a lot of fun! They have a giant (maybe 200 ft?) statue of a kid (named Eddie) and inside of him is a giant playground. You can visit his heart, brain, and stomach. It was really cool. They also had a "grocery store" ,fire engine, a virtual game where you played volleyball with a robot,(It used your real body on a green screen)and a West Africa exhibit. It was a really great place. We loved the water tables and "dump truck". I think that if you have small children this place is a great educational thing to do. If you don't mind driving up to Concord. I will try to upload some pictures soon.
Also, remember the friend I told you about, Marina, who just started blogging? Well her sister, Sophia, has begun a blog too. Go to to check it out.
Also, remember the friend I told you about, Marina, who just started blogging? Well her sister, Sophia, has begun a blog too. Go to to check it out.
Saturday, May 15, 2010
Funny Comments in Todays Paper
Now you know me, and you know that I am not a policital person. ( I don't even know how to spell that) I don't see what the big deal is about everything. I mean, I look in the newspaper and the first section is half politicial and half crime. It's sickening. I think it would be a lot easier if we didn't have stuff like that and just lived simply. With technology of course. Hmmm, that might be kind of hard.... But even I get a kick out of the occasional policticial joke. Here are some funny quips from The Charlotte Observer........
" This oil spill in the Gulf is affecting everybody. In fact, when I went to lunch this weekend and ordered the sea bass, they asked if I wanted it regular or unleaded."
-David Letterman
Last weekend, President Obama gave an impassioned speech against technology. And then he had to stop when the teleprompter broke."
-Craig Ferguson
"....... Hey, we're Americans, of course we're terrified-being afraid is what we do best. The stars and stripes should be replaced by Shaggy and Scooby-Do, running for their lives."
-Bill Maher
Note: The views in the quotes do not represent the views of the author. I think Obama is cool.
" This oil spill in the Gulf is affecting everybody. In fact, when I went to lunch this weekend and ordered the sea bass, they asked if I wanted it regular or unleaded."
-David Letterman
Last weekend, President Obama gave an impassioned speech against technology. And then he had to stop when the teleprompter broke."
-Craig Ferguson
"....... Hey, we're Americans, of course we're terrified-being afraid is what we do best. The stars and stripes should be replaced by Shaggy and Scooby-Do, running for their lives."
-Bill Maher
Note: The views in the quotes do not represent the views of the author. I think Obama is cool.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Great Wolf Lodge
Tomorrow my class leaves for GREAT WOLF LODGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am flipping out!!!! We are going to have an awesome time swimming and going down the giant water slides! We also get to spend the night! Hello, late night manis and pedis and music. I don't think the boys thoughts are gonna hang around that line though....their room will probably be filled with sports for a while and then snoring. I am glad I am not a boy!! (no offense Wes, Luke and Ian)GREAT WOLF LODGE HERE WE COME!!!!!
By the way, Marina Barham (click on Marina's blog on my sidebar) Just published a hilarious post on what happens when you send your dad alone to Costco.......
By the way, Marina Barham (click on Marina's blog on my sidebar) Just published a hilarious post on what happens when you send your dad alone to Costco.......
Monday, May 10, 2010
End of Choir, End of a Fabulous Experience
I have been in choir for a long time, but this year was my last year since I am in sixth grade. At the
endof year party I got a certificate and a CD. Here is a photo of me and the two choir directors, Mrs. Jenny (left) and Mrs. Melissa. These two work really hard and did a great job on sonseekers and Amerikids. We love you guys!
The end of year party was also fun, with a basketball game and yummy food! If your kid is in 1st through 6th grade you should definetely do choir. It is a great experience for everyone involved.

The end of year party was also fun, with a basketball game and yummy food! If your kid is in 1st through 6th grade you should definetely do choir. It is a great experience for everyone involved.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!!!!!
To all you mom's out there, this ones for you! And no, Angelyn was not hurt in her "fall" from the tree.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Friday, May 7, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Saturday, April 3, 2010
Hey, as we head into Easter I just want to remind everyone that Jesus died for US! He suffered so much-he DIED-because of all the stuff WE did. It's really sad. Think about that as we celebrate his amazing truimph of death tommorow. Happy Easter.
Because he lives,
Because he lives,
Sunday, March 21, 2010
My Dad's Blog
Okay totally go and check out my dad's blog.It is so funny!!! I told him he sounded like Phil Visher(yeah okay that was not spelled right but whatever) you know the guy who created veggie tales,right, right, are you with me?.......okay.So go and read his most recent blog post(click on dad's blog in my favorite blogs)and the next paragraph is gonna make a lot more sense.
Okay so now that you have read the completely exagerated post you shall hear my side of the story....We spent about 5 minutes getting out the garage yes, avoiding the toys that, may I point out he and Mom got us .(HA!!!!)I said the bike ride was a terrible experience because the neighborhood brought back bad memories. The hills were extremely tall! And, may I point out that my father was at the back most of the time. And please someone name one really hard and annoying jog or bike ride ( where your mother takes you around the giant neighborhood again and again till you think she is some crazed maniac who can fell no pain)where they did not complain! Ha ha! The jig is up! And, by the way I thought the post was hysterical and you should totally read the others.
Okay so now that you have read the completely exagerated post you shall hear my side of the story....We spent about 5 minutes getting out the garage yes, avoiding the toys that, may I point out he and Mom got us .(HA!!!!)I said the bike ride was a terrible experience because the neighborhood brought back bad memories. The hills were extremely tall! And, may I point out that my father was at the back most of the time. And please someone name one really hard and annoying jog or bike ride ( where your mother takes you around the giant neighborhood again and again till you think she is some crazed maniac who can fell no pain)where they did not complain! Ha ha! The jig is up! And, by the way I thought the post was hysterical and you should totally read the others.
I Want A Faith
My church, Church at Charlotte(become our friend on facebook)Just came out with a cd called I Want A Faith.A group of people in our church wrote it and produced it. It is on Itunes if you want to hear bits of it. You don't need to buy it, they let you hear samples. It is called, I Want A Faith : songs from the video café.It is by church at Charlotte. It has some really great stuff on it. Have a fun rainy day!
Monday, January 18, 2010
My mother had a wonderful birthday a while back, complete with special guest appearences ,starring me and my siblings.We were pretty awesome,if I do say so myself! We could have been hired we were so cool.Check out this video and I think you'll see what I mean.Autographs are being sold for as low as 100,000,000$ as we speak!While supplies last.
all camera work and graphics done by Dad
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These are the requirements for those who move next door:
1) Must give away good candy at Halloween
2) Must maintain lawn/yard
3) Must not mind having LOUD neighbors (us)
4) Must have high speed wireless Internet that we can mooch off of.
5) Must like guinea pigs and want to take care of ours when we are on trips. It might help for this task if you have some kind of nose problem where you can't smell.
Anything else, Kayla?