Hey guys! So yesterday I went to some OTHER stores to get school supplies. I had better results. After checking Staples, Office Depot, AND the office supplies at Target, I managed to find.......
- 1 mirror for my locker (Office Depot)
- 6 magnets (Staples)
-1 portfolio (Target)
And now, whether you like it or not... here (in full detail) is how I got them. First stop- Staples. I checked out the locker display and was pretty lame. Nothing I didn't already have and the mirrors were black or a dark blue, not like the one I was looking for. I did manage to find some cool magnets (though, unknown to me, but now known to you, they have cooler ones at Office Depot. So that was my Staples experience.
Next- Office Depot. Way more helpful. More colors,cool stuff, and a great new green mirror. Oh, and check there rather Target if they BOTH have the thing you are looking for- the stuff I looked at at Office Depot was MUCH more magnetic.
And lastly- Target. (Erica tell your mom she really helped last year. See all the transitions I'm using?:) Not much new in the school supply aisle, but then I look in the office supplies. See, I've been looking for a portfolio instead of a folder to keep my homework in. It has different pockets for each subject. When I've looked in the School supplies, it's mostly 3 ringed binders. But this time I went to the offices supplies, and found a few. yay!
So there you have it folks! My quest for the perfect school supplies! Hope I didn't bore you, but hey, don't read it if you find me terribly talkative (or should I say, typeative) and annoying. It's my job to inform you of news, even if you find it really awful. So go ahead, delete me from your blog list, sever ties with me, stop friending me on facebook! Oh, wait, I don't have a facebook page. Hmmmm.... maybe you could get revenge through my parents? Any way, this is your roving reporter here, signing off. May you complete your ultimate school supply quest! Sleep tight, drive safe, and as my friend Marina would say " Eat your broccoli!"
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