Today we went on a nature walk.(For more details see Angelyn's blog.) Afterwards we were going to go to the library. I was ready for the cool-air conditioning, the sweet smell of paper, and curling up with a new title. I had some great ideas, since we had just done book reports in my class. Then the awful thought popped into my head. Isn't the library closed on Fridays? Yep. Total disappointment. I mean, come on, Friday is like the best day of the week! No one gets books on Thursdays! I am out of school on Fridays! It is the perfect time to swing by for a book! In the summer, people want to grab a book on Friday for the pool on Saturday! This is murder! They can't do this!
Don't even get me started on other disappointments! Do you know that the library closes at seven???!!! I mean, who is going to get a book during the day? If you have kids, then the most convient time to go is after dinner, when the older ones are done with school and the dads get home from work so there's two sets of hands for the younger ones! Readers REBEL! Post a comment if you agree! Otherwise, we soon may be having a lacking generation of readers due to inability to recieve books! It's probably great for the book stores though...
Sorry about the library. :( You can go more during the summer! Catherine asked to go this morning, so we went to ours. It's a tiny library, but it's still open every day! Catherine doesn't really pick out the books, though. Maybe just one or two. She plays with the trains while I choose the rest.
Our local library (Steele Creek branch) is open on Fridays. They all rotate which day they are closed, so just find one that is open on Fridays :) Ours is closed on Thursdays. Sorry about the disappointment!
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