Wednesday, July 29, 2009

End of Summer blues

No, not like the music. Like the feeling you get after it's a couple months into summer and you miss your friends, and the bustle of school. You kind of want to go back.Not back to the work and classes but back to new friends ,new backpacks and new fun. Kind of like when you get a new toy and it's the only thing your world revolves around for a couple days.Then it sheds it's newness a your life go's back to normal ,only now you have a new thing to want.Life is like that,i guess.Were never satisfied with what we have because there will always be more.A new cooler car out or a better phone bigger,better houses and a lot more.I remember in a comic the character said he was never happy at where he was.He wanted time to go back or forward.But what he really wanted was to want to be where he was right now.Now i know tis sounds like a sermon and don't get me wrong I'm not getting a Ph.d in wiseness anytime soon but I think it would be great if we could be happy now.Other than that I have had a great time this summer.Our family came down and had tons of fun, going to eagles games and everything! We went to a lake and a movie also.I've had a lot of sleepovers, parties and cooking time.I also rad a lot and watched tons of Saturday morning cartoons.I've done mothers helping for the Gareus ands Sluders.I've had fun .But before I go let me ask you to please be happy wherever you are.thank you.


Angel said...

How true it is! Eve was the first to learn this painful lesson, and we keep struggling with it...being content with all that God has given us. It is such a challenge! I'm thankful God has given you a heart to put this struggle into words at the age of ten. I love you! - Mamba Jamba

Angela said...

Thanks for sharing your thought, Kayla :)

Catherine has been having so much fun with you this summer!

nancy said...

Kayla -


Paul says in Philippians - Not that I speak from want, for I have learned to be content in whatever circumstances I am.

Love ya,

Kim M said...

Thank you for that reminder - I can't wait to see how God continues to use your gift of writing for Him and to further the Gospel. You are a special young lady - keep your eyes on Jesus, He is our example!
Miss Kim