Friday, March 20, 2009

The dark soil closed in around the tiny seed like a warm blanket. Suddenly something happens. Inside the seed something was writhing,twisting. A light green sprout bursts out of its cage. It lfts itself up,up,up! Suddenly the dark blanket is gone. The sprout lifts its face up to the glowing,blazing sun, its arms reaching for the sun, soaking up its brilliant rays. A shiny, cool, diamond droplethits the plant. Then more,then a whole shower. The plant absorbs these toosucking on the diamonds like a baby bottle.It is thriving, a new little sprout.

1 comment:

Kim M said...

Kayla, that was quite creative! Such a great way to think of spring. I have always been amazed at God's creation and how it can burst through the soil and bring such joy!