Sunday, July 6, 2008


I am mega-tired. My grandpa Hanson is here so on the 4th of July we went to the Charlotte Knights game that started at 7:15. It was packed! The bleachers were taken up and we had grass seats we knew this and brought blankets. the hill was crammed and we had to sit in a small cramped space while a pair of teenagers in front of us with long faux fingernails and red cellphones stared at us. The game ended at 10:25 and we went out to sit by our car to watch the fireworks. They made up for everything ,they were the best I have seen in a long time The cotton candy helped too but that's another story. That night I went to bed at 11:15. ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

The next night we went to see a Charlotte Eagles soccer game that was awesome .plus the we got to play a soccer game with people from the stands. that night we went home at 9:15

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