Sunday, January 6, 2008


Hello everyone! I have just started decerating my room with interesting newspaper clippings. If you see one I might like in your newspaper could you please cut it out and send it to me with the date you found it in the newspaper on it . Thank you for your help! I really appreaciate it!



Angel said...

I love my daughter. She's got a wacky sense of humor, and I have no idea where it came from. One of the newspaper clippings she put up is a picture of a woman saying, "He left me. Now what?" I know that may seem tragic, but in the room of an eight-year-old who just thought it was an interesting clipping so why not hang it on her wall, "It's hee-larious."

therutledges blogspot said...

Hey Kayla:
What kind of articles do you want?

therutledges blogspot said...

Hey Kayla:
What kind of articles do you want?