Saturday, September 10, 2011

Ten years ago.

Hey everyone, so Sunday is the 10th anniversary of 9/11 and I thought I'd try and crank out a few verses so here is what I came up with.

They thought they were unshakable

Two monuments of success

Planes were not bombs

Ten years ago.

No one could hate America

We felt safe

And then the first plane hit

ten years ago.

"We have reports that a plane has hit the World Trade Center."

"I don't know what happened!"

"People are jumping!"

Ten years ago.

Smoke everywhere.

People dying.

And the second plane hit.

Ten years ago.

The towers gone.

Crashing to the ground.

Clocks stopped at 8:45-exactly.

Ten years ago.

"We don't know where she is!"

"Please call us."

"He was on that plane!"

Ten years ago.

Weeping in the streets.

Terror in homes.


Ten years ago.

Presidental speeches.

Flags everywhere.

Finally knowing. And hurting.

Ten years ago.

A country banded together.

Refusing to forget.

Helping each other.

Ten years ago.

Helping friends.

Standing with our President

Our country refusing to be torn apart.

Ten years ago.

Staying strong.

Living life again.


Ten years ago.

Refusing to be brought down.

Staying free. Fighting.

Proud to be Americans.

Ten years ago.

The thought they were unshakeable.

They weren't. But America was.

Two beams of light at Ground Zero.

Piercing the sky.

And showing that we




1 comment:

Kim M said...

Wow, this is so powerful, well done Kayla!

Miss Kim