The pimple residing in a hotel on Makayla Rutledge, being the only visitor since the vile Court the Wart, is in need of a proper title. From hereafter he shall be known as Bimple the Pimple and no one shall call him otherwise, this being his right and proper changed named because Zit is quite insulting and if he plans to set up a home and meet a girl he must have a proper buisness name. This has been such and ordeal for him that he is shrinking, and when he came he was blown up with rage.For this we have changed his name and any one who uses the other will be dealt with by the full force of the law.
Bimple the pimple....Okay...Sounds like you are growing up too fast for me.....
Thanks for the phone call Kayla. Papa and I loved hearing about the play and your life.
I love you.
You crack me up, Kayla.
I'm glad that Sir Pimple decided to pack his bags for a sunnier spot. You're such a sweet girl, these visitors just can't help taking up residence on your body.
Mambo Bojambo
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