Thursday, November 20, 2008

The 8:24 News Report

Hermit Crabs. That's what my brothers brought home from school today. Salt and Pepper, two hermit crabs from school. It was their assignment to keep them over the weekend. The note said "Feed them on Friday and Sunday. Keep sponge damp." I decided that I really want a hermit crab. Think about it. You feed them once every two days. You're not going to run out of food that fast. You keep the sponge damp for their water and they live in a tiny tupperware cage (I don't know what it's called... just work with me here). How hard is it to clean out a tiny cage? Grab a sponge and scrub it clean. The boys said that at school they put them on the table top and the students watch them crawl around and they didn't want to go off the table and they just crawl around. I heard somewhere else that you can get a hermit crab off your finger just by running your finger under hot water if they pinch you. I think. But the boys said that their hermit crabs were very friendly and I bet those tiny things wouldn't hurt. While in Virginia, we even saw hermit crabs with painted shells. Henry said he would like to get a hermit crab with a superman shell. Have your kids been begging for a pet? Take my advice. Get a hermit crab.

Well I hope everybody has a good Thanksgiving. On Tuesday, my grandparents are coming to our house and I bet a lot of people will be out of town. But no matter where you are and no matter where you live, have a happy Thanksgiving. I remember last Thanksgiving when Henry and Angelyn came home from Liberia, they love not to just eat the Turkey, but the bone (Angelyn still does and sometimes Henry). And on Thanksgiving when we went around the table to say what we were thankful for, Angelyn said "I am thankful the chicken and the bone inside it." A happy Thanksgiving to all.

This is Kayla Rutledge signing off, with Dan Rutledge typing.


therutledges blogspot said...

hermit crabs!!!

love ya.

megan said...

Fintastic was running a special a while back that you got a free "cage" when you bought a hermit crab. They have lots there. My kids were begging for a kitten this morning....maybe they'd settle for a hermit crab!