Saturday, October 4, 2008


My Grandpa asked me this,Which foot would you use if you put your best foot forward?Well Probably not Messr. Court ,he's a little shy!We saw snow buddies today and I loved it! It is so sweet at the end!And I went to my Grandma's today and a huge spider crawled in the garage.My Grandma screamed and said I should smash it. It stood stock still. I started doing a talk show with it....."Hello I'm Miss Makayla Delane and this is "A chat with Miss Delane!" today we are interviewing Mr. Spider from Miss Muffet!" Just then it moved! I screeched, Grandma hollered,"get it with a newspaper!!!!!!" I wacked it and sang "Don't worry Miss Muffet!! You are safe!"

Signing off,
Miss Makyla Delane and Butterball(my invisible dog from snow buddies)

1 comment:

therutledges blogspot said...

Sorry I couldn't have been a hidden mouse and watched you ladies.

Grandma in MI