Monday, July 7, 2008

Trip to Imaginon,and a barely esaped trip to the ER

Today we packed up our library books and rode the Lynx train uptown to get new library books at Imaginon a hang out thre and then get takeout and spend some time with Grandpa Hanson before he left. We were doing fine, playing out on Imaginon's huge staues of office supplies. Typwriter keys that you jumped on ,books,stamps. But they were all made out of marble. They made this before they discovered padding and foam. I mean ,your building things that kids love to climb on and you make it with MARBLE!!! To make a long story short I fell against a huge stamp and whammed my face. Now I have a good sized bruise on my chin and a circle of bruises around my knee . We did get good books though.....................

1 comment:

sean kulinski said...

hi its me sean i love your posts on the blog me and chloe were wondering y theres no emailing from u we need u bye