Well there have been some objections to my post and being the young,inoccent ,honest reporter I am I must tell both sides of the story including, mine (see haircuts)so here are Dad and Grandpa's sides.Which one s right or is it both?Will a family skirmish break out?Will Dad and Grandpa sit on oppisite table sides yelling?!!(Ok i'm going overboard and being plain silly because they probably will laugh and tell old,funny,embarassing stories about Dad and I might get a few indignant comments ..but back to the point.)
Dad:For the record... Grandpa was not very gentle with the scissors. I nearly lost an ear several times.- Dan
Grandpa:Let the record show that there were no injuries associated with haircuts at the Rutledge household. There may have been suggestions of what might happen if certain customers did not sit still.
See, I told you so.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Henry got a haircut a few minutes ago.He looks kinda like Obama is what my dad said.Daddy also said that when he was a boy and Papa had to cut his hair,he would cry.I think Henry is going to have lots of girls when he grows up.Dad said he never had that problem so Henry will be lucky.I also think Henry will be a pro football player.Then again, you never know..but he can already throw really far( maybe 15 yards)and can do pullups(of which I can do none.Angelyn also beats me every time at tug-a-war.I don't like that.)So , here I am, Predictor of the Future(will no real sense in what it will hold).
Friday, January 23, 2009
doctor's visits
At some point in the week every single person in my family was stuck with some kind of needle.Ouch.It's true.I got a shot for going into middle school which didn't really hurt at the time but gets quite sore afterwords.I also got a chicken pox vaccine which hurt a little. Then the whammer.The Tb test. All you mom's with doctor-hating kids please strap them into a straight jacket to prevent serious injury to both people.(Ok teensy exaggeration,but hey it's my blog.Seriously though,it hurts.)I have no offense to Doctors,my MD is Great!I love her.And she knows us by name.Seriously.It hurts because it is right in the muscle.( my doctors name is Dr Riley, at Providence Pediatrics)My mom even had to hold my arm.I won't deny that I cried and wailed "OW MOMMY IT HURTS!!!!!!!!"But we got ice cream afterwards which was cool because we had it on Monday to for my brothers.(Lucky Henry only got a finger prick but Zane got three like me.Oh I'm a poet, don't ya know it.Just look at my toes, their long fellows.Get it?LOL)But don't say I didn't warn you!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
GUESS WHAT?????My teacher siad it's supposed to start snowing(well, raining)around 3 in the morning and stop around 1 in the afternoon! That's ten hours of snow!Or 6oo minutes!12,000 seconds!!!!!!!!!Also President Obama has his inguration tommorow!He is a really good speaker!Did you hear about the plane crash?It was amazing!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
I heard that if you put on your pajamas backward and inside out ,put a spoon under your pillow ,and flush ice cubes down the toilet before you go to bed SNOW SHOULD COME!!The weather thinks spoon=shovel ice-snow(I put 4 ice cubes because there is 4 letters in snow)and I have no clue about the pajams. So please, do it yourself,tell your friends,tell your kids,post on your blog SPRED THE WORD!!And pray for SNOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snow,wonderful stuff
Soft like marshmellow fluff
so dazziling white
You don't need a light
To take the blues away, you just need a little
Snow,wonderful stuff
Soft like marshmellow fluff
so dazziling white
You don't need a light
To take the blues away, you just need a little
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Jamin Samuel Rutledge
This is my aunt's new baby!!!His name is Jamin Samuel Rutledge(Jamin is prounouced with a long a like in Jamie)or Jam Slam! He was born January 2,2009 and this poem is dedicated to him...
Tiny little fingers,tiny little toes
And don't forget a small petite nose
Hear the cries chime
God the maker in his prime
But when they sleep
Not a peep
SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!
Turtle footie PJ'S!!!
Tiny little fingers,tiny little toes
And don't forget a small petite nose
Hear the cries chime
God the maker in his prime
But when they sleep
Not a peep

Saturday, January 3, 2009
We had a great time in MI! I got a digital camera for Christmas!So as soon as I (well,my dad)figure out how to upload and stuff my blog will have lots more video and photos! (it shoots video too!!!!!) I a;lso got new Pumas, which are my fave shoe brand!!!From my other Grandma I got a bathrobe and cute clogs!!Well,more about the trip later but..MY AUNT HAD HER NEW BABY YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!IT"S A BOY !! They haven't named him but I might post photos later!
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