The Panthers lost to the Dolphins(Who stink) 24-17(bo-ho).Panther's Steve Smith had a fan accidentaly side-swipe him on his way to the game.Not much harm was done and Steve still played.
Oprah will be ending her show in 2011 and starting her new network.Her show will not be on it.
Friday, November 20, 2009
When I Play Football
leather spins
from my fingertips ,flying through the air like a bird
slipping into my hands,sweet and swift
caught in
a perfectly set trap, running towards
victory,in the moment
from my fingertips ,flying through the air like a bird
slipping into my hands,sweet and swift
caught in
a perfectly set trap, running towards
victory,in the moment
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!
Guess what? Today I don't have school (while, Were doing school at home,but I'm not counting that, much anyway)because yesterday the church's (Arborbrook is in a church) AC burned out, leaving the building with no AC and the smell of smoke in the classes today.I was not to thrilled though because thursday"s we have a skit in assembly and I have nature study.Then again.......not as much work.All those slackers who forget to do their homework get a day off!!By the way..Mrs. Vespa........What is emily's blog called?
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Okay be honest....Who said they were going to Hollywood when they were a kid????And who..may I ask grew up and said (no,scoffed)that that was a childish dream,that it would never make a living.Who got turned down by their internal judges that are ,like 1000000 times worse than Simon?Well this girl does NOT look like she will take no for an answer.SHE looks like he will stop super-Simon in his tracks.She looks like a super star........
Friday, August 28, 2009
Hey everyone!We just got new wood floors and countertops!Everything looks really nice!I start school on monday with a locker!!!!!Whoo-hoo!!!We are praying that Angelyn can come home soon.
Wednesday, July 29, 2009
End of Summer blues
No, not like the music. Like the feeling you get after it's a couple months into summer and you miss your friends, and the bustle of school. You kind of want to go back.Not back to the work and classes but back to new friends ,new backpacks and new fun. Kind of like when you get a new toy and it's the only thing your world revolves around for a couple days.Then it sheds it's newness a your life go's back to normal ,only now you have a new thing to want.Life is like that,i guess.Were never satisfied with what we have because there will always be more.A new cooler car out or a better phone bigger,better houses and a lot more.I remember in a comic the character said he was never happy at where he was.He wanted time to go back or forward.But what he really wanted was to want to be where he was right now.Now i know tis sounds like a sermon and don't get me wrong I'm not getting a Ph.d in wiseness anytime soon but I think it would be great if we could be happy now.Other than that I have had a great time this summer.Our family came down and had tons of fun, going to eagles games and everything! We went to a lake and a movie also.I've had a lot of sleepovers, parties and cooking time.I also rad a lot and watched tons of Saturday morning cartoons.I've done mothers helping for the Gareus ands Sluders.I've had fun .But before I go let me ask you to please be happy wherever you are.thank you.
Monday, July 20, 2009
Dee Lynn
I walk into Dee Lynn's house and Am struck with the feeling of it all. The house seems to fit this bubbly person like shoes that look like they were made for you.The colors splash prettily on the walls,and the house is bursting with excitement! Because tommorow is Dee's birthday.My Grandma's birthday. I am here to wish her a happy birthday.A birthday full of laughs hugs and an altogether greatness that fits this woman's beautiful personality as well as her house.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
MR. Anderson has made a blog.NO LIE!You Can visit it at You can also visit their video blog at If you go to superhero V11 on the side then scroll down to the revenge of doctor nero and you can see me.Rutledge school musical is on there too.
Monday, June 29, 2009
African thunderstorm
this is so awesome!!!!You have to turn it up at the beginning.
African thunderstorm
Shared via AddThis
African thunderstorm
Shared via AddThis
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Goodbye Tears And Good wishs Send Family off to New home!
The Andersons have moved on. They are going on a far off, dangerous journey, where lightsabers may be needed........THEY ARE GOING WHERE NO FAMILY WTH A BABY ,RUPTURED ACHILLES AND LOTS OF LEGOS HAS GONE BEFORE!!!(WHEW THAT"S A LONG TITLE!!!) ahem..right..back to the point....(theme music please ) KENTUCKY!!!!Whew.I said it. And let me say there were not many dry eyes or hearts that watched them go. Going....gone.Darin,Kristin,seth caleb,Joel(and new baby who's name we don't know their thinking about Luke but I think that will pale against Joel or seth or caleb) we wish you goodbye with heavy hearts and the spark of hope that you inpact the people in Kentucky with as much love ,hope ,energy, Generosity,and all those other virtues that you have but would make this a mile long as you have us. Goodbye.We love you.
(I'm gonna cry!!!Kayla, signing off.)
(I'm gonna cry!!!Kayla, signing off.)
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Book Blog
Mrs. Rhoades, 5th grade teacher that loves to read has created a "book blog" with all kinds of books to enjoy.The Kayla Observer encourages people to take a look,because there are books that may be great to read aloud to your children.Anyway take a look!!!!
Thursday, June 11, 2009
New Cutest Guinea Pig
This is Jerry. Currently reported to be the cutest guinea pig on the face of the earth. He is living on Autumn Applause Drive in Charlotte, NC with his loving owner Makayla Rutledge and his family which includes his grandma and grandpa and all his aunts and uncles. "He is very messy and not toilet trained, but his cuteness makes up for all of that," says his owner.
Monday, May 25, 2009
We just wet on an awesome vacation ton to a hotel and ate out, played laser-tag,watched movies, and swam in a indoor pool (by the way I AM HATING THIS WEATHER!!!) and hotub with whirpool action!The hotel was pretty deserted because everyone was in Concord for speed street (I'm just not that into nascar it's not a even a little deal to me) and my dad said he knows someone that lives near speed street and she can barely step foot out of the house.
Thursday, May 14, 2009
The Penderwicks
The Penderwicks is a great book to read! It's funny and cute.It is for older kids though because there is slight kissing and girlhood crushes that are not the main POINT.But it is an innocent adorable book with a very cute four year old.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Two Names you go by: | |
| |
| |
1 | Makayla |
2 | Kayla |
| |
Two things you are wearing right now: | |
1 | Monkey PJ pants |
2 | curlers:) |
| |
Two of your favorite things to do: | |
| |
1 | play with my guinea pig |
2 | have sleepovers |
| |
Two things you want very badly at the moment: | |
1 | to have a sleepover |
2 | an ipod |
Two favorite pets you have had/have: | |
1 | my guinea pig Jerry |
2 | our turtles bruce and nemo |
Two things you did last night: | |
1 | read |
2 | blogged |
Two things you have eaten today: | |
1 | ice cream cake |
2 | Pizza
| |
Two people you last talked to on the phone: | |
| |
1 | We skyped my cousins
2 | my dad |
Two places you have been in the past year:2008 and 2009 | |
1 | Michigan |
2 | Virginia |
Two favorite beverages: | |
1 | orange juice |
2 | soda |
| |
Two people who will send this back completed: | |
1 | isabelle |
2 | emily |
okay copy this, go to your email erase all my answers and put in your own and send it to all your friends(send it to me if you have my email). | |
Saturday, May 9, 2009
Guess what?I GOT A GUINEA PIG!!!!!His name is Jerry and he is sooo cute!I also can't wait for camp!!
Sunday, April 12, 2009
a comic
A mom: Let's see...I got caught up in all my corressppodence,balanced my checkbook,paid the bills and did the shopping-I sorted the kids summer clothes, did the mending and organized all the bedroom closets.But....SIGH...It never fails.....onthe days I accomplish the looks like I haven't done a darned thing.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Perfectly Legal
The pimple residing in a hotel on Makayla Rutledge, being the only visitor since the vile Court the Wart, is in need of a proper title. From hereafter he shall be known as Bimple the Pimple and no one shall call him otherwise, this being his right and proper changed named because Zit is quite insulting and if he plans to set up a home and meet a girl he must have a proper buisness name. This has been such and ordeal for him that he is shrinking, and when he came he was blown up with rage.For this we have changed his name and any one who uses the other will be dealt with by the full force of the law.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Friday, March 20, 2009
The dark soil closed in around the tiny seed like a warm blanket. Suddenly something happens. Inside the seed something was writhing,twisting. A light green sprout bursts out of its cage. It lfts itself up,up,up! Suddenly the dark blanket is gone. The sprout lifts its face up to the glowing,blazing sun, its arms reaching for the sun, soaking up its brilliant rays. A shiny, cool, diamond droplethits the plant. Then more,then a whole shower. The plant absorbs these toosucking on the diamonds like a baby bottle.It is thriving, a new little sprout.
Monday, March 16, 2009
Pray for little Osbourne from Malawi who is in the states with a student Visa.He has a staff infection and is in the hospital.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
It was my Dad's birthday on Staurday so happy birthday Dad!!!!TODAY WE GOT OUR REPORT CARDS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!My overall grade in each subject was an A+ or an A!!! Also I am trying to stumble and bumble through french words post a comment with how to write it, how to say it and it's defintion
ex: voix (voi) voice
ex: voix (voi) voice
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sunday, March 1, 2009
Jonas Brothers
Guess what?!!! The Jonas Brothers came here to Stonecrest to see fans for their movie!HERE! !!We are supposed to get 4-6 inches of snow and it has been raining on and off for the past 3 days!
Friday, February 27, 2009
Little Baby Day
A soft ray of pinkish light breaks out of the darkness.It is like a picture, a painters dream.It slashes across the sky, driving the darkness back to it's cage till evening.The colors soar like a melody of mixed voices. Red orange, yellow,purple, and pink swirll across the sky, like a invisible paintbrush, painting the pretty morning. The water from it's dip in the ocean to change colors sprinkles across the ground for morning dew. Little Baby Day is born as that ray swirls around the green field faster and more beautiful than 1,000 dancers swirling huge skirts. It is light.Golden, sunny, light, as Mother Sun glides up into the sky. A sparkling, blazing,scarlet ball, bouncig up to it's post in the sky. A new day is born and wrapped in fluffy white clouds,it sails away to greet more days.
Thursday, February 26, 2009
His sparkly golden name tag reads Fred Obes, Principal. Most of the kids at George Washington Middle despise this man.Some people call him Mr. Obese, because of his need to eat Chinese takeout had not been well, i'll say, PROGRESS for his health.He looks startled now. Shock is written on his face as Mrs. Lock tells him what happened. Me, I just stand over Ashley , trying to process it all. NO it is not real. I think of how it all happened.So quick, so fast.See, my name is Angelina, or just Angel. I come from a family of 20 children. Ashley is my twin sister. Just two minutes ago she was up in the highest tree in the school. Even though wer'e twins sometimes mother calls us a mouse and a cat.We are egzact oppisites.Ashley is defintely a tomboy. Even now she is wearing a soccer jersey. Me? I'm wearing a new dress from Justice and flats.She was up in the tree, 15 yards in the air on a medium sized branch. Then a wind came. Ash lost her balance and would have been fine(she could have landed on the branch below her like a cat)If the branch hadn't broke.Her small 4'5" body flew through the air like a paper doll. She bounced from branch to branch her hands clutching the air to find something to get a death grip on. It never came. She landed hard on the tar.A scream, a cry, of pain, a plead for help .An SOS signale. And through the midst of it all.. I didn't act didn't try to help. Maybe I was to shocked but still, I could of put out an arm, cried for help.But I did nothing. Nothing.A huge salty tear streams down my face. Then another .More and more, till I'm full out sobbing .I flung myself on the ground next to my best friend and cry a ocean.An siren wails and a ambulance screechs up the street. Right behind it a school bus. My family.(I told you we had a big family. Dad said 5 cars would cause the death of the envoirment and his wallet. He was more concerned about the wallet. So he and Mom got a license shned it up and that was that.) The bus screams to a halt and dad and Mom get out. The two baby twins Bonny and Johnny are on her hip. Jane,(5) drags behind her wailing. Dad makes the triplets (Jim ,Tim and Flynn all three years old)get out. Then they see Ashley. Quickly they rush over with a doctor handing off children to nurses. They reach me and Mother gives me a squeze."I didn't help her Mom." I sob.
"It's okay, it happened to fast."
Dad asks the Doc "Is she.."
" No, she still has a pulse.But it's shallow. We need to get to the hospital stat if she is to survive."
Nurses rush out of the ambulance as if on cue. The rest of my family was told about the accident and everyone stands around watching the nurse flurry back and forth like show poodles. Among us are Alex, my 16 year old brother, Lexi, my 13 year old sister and her twin Lainey(Can you tell mother is big on haveing multiple children?)My 22 year old sister Mary drove from her college 30 minutes away and is just pulling up, then come the quadreplts Flo, Moe, Joe and Boe from kindergarten(yes, we were on 9 news stories when mom had them) running from their teacher sobbing and flinging their arms around me.(they adore me and Ash)Here's my 15 year old sister Emily from driving school.Here come the quinuplets, all sixteen and popular(they make up half the cheerleading squad) and 15 news stories welcomed them into the world. Polly, Molly, Dolly,Folly, and Tolly. The fabulous five. Suddenly the Ambulance gears to life and mother jumps in. "Everyone! Bus! Now!!!!" Dad shouts sand we we speed out on the road leaving principal Obese coughing on black exhaust.
We jump out of the bus and rush into the hospital single file. The receptionist’s eye’s grow bigger and bigger as we march, all the girls sobbing, and the boys silent and dull. Dad stops at the desk long enough to ask “My daughter, Ashley Adams, where is she?”
The nurse gasps and looks ill. “You mean there’s another one?” she cries.
“Yep, twin to her “, he says and points at me.
“Room 300 and they can’t go in, except the twin I suppose; you’ll have to keep the rest in the kid’s room.., if it’s big enough.” She groans and promptly faints.
Dad sighs, and when he does he sounds old and tired, like a man that’s walked many miles. “Well,” he nods to us “Here’s the kids room… enjoy.” I look at the flashy green walls, big TV and huge playground. If we all weren’t so sad, it might be, well actually fun, but the girls sit down in chairs and cry and the boys are so sad about the fall of they’re sports playmate, they don’t even try to play a game of bloody knuckles. Little Flo stops crying long enough to grab my neck and say sadly, “tell Ashwey that I wuve her so very much, ok?” The rest of the group nods a solid aye, and then I’m off. Maybe to brave the worst, maybe celebrate, to feel pain, or forgiveness. If Ashley dies, I’ll never forgive myself. But she WON’T, she can’t be. Were getting closer as we walk down the bright,blue, golden sunny hall. I don’t get it. Our situation is hardly cheery. 294,296, 298, 300! We are finally here! Goose bumps shiver up my skin as I think of my sister. Why didn’t I help? WHY??
I push open the chocolate wood door and it squeaks. I look at the room. There is a large TV in the corner and the walls are orange. Sitting atop a high metal bed with a pink sheet is my sister. No, it’s not my sister. My sister would never allow them to take off her soccer jersey and replace it with a DRESS. A hospital one no less. A tray of food sits by her. That’s another thing. Ashley hates being waited on. She can’t stand it. She can do plenty for herself, she would have said to the smiling nurses with a sniff, and she doesn’t need anyone to take care of her, or undress her. Especially not boys. Girls have just as much rights as them and she can play soccer better than anyone in the 5th grade. Finally, she’s limp. An IV is attached to her wrist. Her face is ghostly pale and her eyelashes don’t even flutter when the heavy door slams behind me. If that was my sister, she would be up and about, asking questions, like demanding to get up out of bed and find a soccer ball because she has a game tomorrow and she bets Mia Hamm’s nurses would have let her practiced.
I rush to my sister and want to cry,“ Ash, wake up! You have to get better, I’M SO SORRY!!” Tears pour down my face like a waterfall. “Wake up, no, it’s all my fault. I feel my dad kneel beside me. He looks at his daughter, so feeble, so helpless. A single shiny tear dots the carpet and he bows his head. Oh, Lord! I cry, make her well!
Suddenly I hear a clip-clop behind me. A Doctor in a stiff white coat walks up to my Dad. “ What’s the verdict?” he whispers. The doc’s face is grim. “Not good.” He sighs, “ She has a broken lung and a fractured spine. She is in a Coma right now.” I gasp. ISN”T THERE ANYTHING YOU CAN DO? “ I burst out. He turns to me. “ I’m sorry.” He says,” But your sister is very unsteady. We’ll need to operate if she is going to live at all. She’ll be lucky if we accomplish that, and there is a 1% chance she’ll be able to walk at all. “No! NO!” I wail and run to Ashley. “I’ll never forgive myself if you die!”
The surgery. It’s going right inside that room. Please ,please God! I pray, let the doctors help my sister. Please. I shuffle up and down the hall. Pacing, waiting. I’m not the only one either. Flo, Joe ,Moe and Boe, all have their thumbs in their mouths and are suckig unhappily. Emily paces up and down, faster and faster. Like she does for her big tests at college. The quintuplets are so sad that they haven’t pulled out their phones for hours. Alex isn’t even hungry.
Hours after surgery the huge door opens and a Doctor steps out. He sighs and we all look at him expectedly . Out spoken Jane looks at him easily.”Let us in!” she declares like a queen. “I want to see Ashley NOW!!” The Doctors stutters, a little taken aback. “Yes, o-o-ff course.” No sooner are the words out of his mouth than we all trample him in a sea of heads. We ran into the room. Ashley was sitting up in bed looking groggy but happy to see us.Every one talked to her for a minute then went quietly out. I needed to talk to my sister.
“Ash?” I crept closer to the bed. “I..” I began to cry as I poured out my whole story, starting with how I should have helped her, and ending with, “Can you walk?”
Ashley shook her head. “ Not now not later. Never.”
“It’s all my fault!!”
“ No it is not!!! You listen to me Miss Angelina Marie Jokerson!You were not the wind that knocked me down. You were not me, who should have been more careful. You could not of helped, or you might have gotten hurt worse. You are my SISTER! I love you! I’ll even apologize if it makes you feel better! I’ve been looking up wheelchair sports, and Dad will sign me up for wheely b-ball when I get a little better. I know you’ll help me make a cool wheelchair and if anyone makes fun of me you can be my feet and I’ve still got to good fists to knock ‘em out with! I ain’t gonna let a tree make me surrender!
“No,” I whispered, “In the words of John Paul Jones,I have notyet begun to fight!”
"It's okay, it happened to fast."
Dad asks the Doc "Is she.."
" No, she still has a pulse.But it's shallow. We need to get to the hospital stat if she is to survive."
Nurses rush out of the ambulance as if on cue. The rest of my family was told about the accident and everyone stands around watching the nurse flurry back and forth like show poodles. Among us are Alex, my 16 year old brother, Lexi, my 13 year old sister and her twin Lainey(Can you tell mother is big on haveing multiple children?)My 22 year old sister Mary drove from her college 30 minutes away and is just pulling up, then come the quadreplts Flo, Moe, Joe and Boe from kindergarten(yes, we were on 9 news stories when mom had them) running from their teacher sobbing and flinging their arms around me.(they adore me and Ash)Here's my 15 year old sister Emily from driving school.Here come the quinuplets, all sixteen and popular(they make up half the cheerleading squad) and 15 news stories welcomed them into the world. Polly, Molly, Dolly,Folly, and Tolly. The fabulous five. Suddenly the Ambulance gears to life and mother jumps in. "Everyone! Bus! Now!!!!" Dad shouts sand we we speed out on the road leaving principal Obese coughing on black exhaust.
We jump out of the bus and rush into the hospital single file. The receptionist’s eye’s grow bigger and bigger as we march, all the girls sobbing, and the boys silent and dull. Dad stops at the desk long enough to ask “My daughter, Ashley Adams, where is she?”
The nurse gasps and looks ill. “You mean there’s another one?” she cries.
“Yep, twin to her “, he says and points at me.
“Room 300 and they can’t go in, except the twin I suppose; you’ll have to keep the rest in the kid’s room.., if it’s big enough.” She groans and promptly faints.
Dad sighs, and when he does he sounds old and tired, like a man that’s walked many miles. “Well,” he nods to us “Here’s the kids room… enjoy.” I look at the flashy green walls, big TV and huge playground. If we all weren’t so sad, it might be, well actually fun, but the girls sit down in chairs and cry and the boys are so sad about the fall of they’re sports playmate, they don’t even try to play a game of bloody knuckles. Little Flo stops crying long enough to grab my neck and say sadly, “tell Ashwey that I wuve her so very much, ok?” The rest of the group nods a solid aye, and then I’m off. Maybe to brave the worst, maybe celebrate, to feel pain, or forgiveness. If Ashley dies, I’ll never forgive myself. But she WON’T, she can’t be. Were getting closer as we walk down the bright,blue, golden sunny hall. I don’t get it. Our situation is hardly cheery. 294,296, 298, 300! We are finally here! Goose bumps shiver up my skin as I think of my sister. Why didn’t I help? WHY??
I push open the chocolate wood door and it squeaks. I look at the room. There is a large TV in the corner and the walls are orange. Sitting atop a high metal bed with a pink sheet is my sister. No, it’s not my sister. My sister would never allow them to take off her soccer jersey and replace it with a DRESS. A hospital one no less. A tray of food sits by her. That’s another thing. Ashley hates being waited on. She can’t stand it. She can do plenty for herself, she would have said to the smiling nurses with a sniff, and she doesn’t need anyone to take care of her, or undress her. Especially not boys. Girls have just as much rights as them and she can play soccer better than anyone in the 5th grade. Finally, she’s limp. An IV is attached to her wrist. Her face is ghostly pale and her eyelashes don’t even flutter when the heavy door slams behind me. If that was my sister, she would be up and about, asking questions, like demanding to get up out of bed and find a soccer ball because she has a game tomorrow and she bets Mia Hamm’s nurses would have let her practiced.
I rush to my sister and want to cry,“ Ash, wake up! You have to get better, I’M SO SORRY!!” Tears pour down my face like a waterfall. “Wake up, no, it’s all my fault. I feel my dad kneel beside me. He looks at his daughter, so feeble, so helpless. A single shiny tear dots the carpet and he bows his head. Oh, Lord! I cry, make her well!
Suddenly I hear a clip-clop behind me. A Doctor in a stiff white coat walks up to my Dad. “ What’s the verdict?” he whispers. The doc’s face is grim. “Not good.” He sighs, “ She has a broken lung and a fractured spine. She is in a Coma right now.” I gasp. ISN”T THERE ANYTHING YOU CAN DO? “ I burst out. He turns to me. “ I’m sorry.” He says,” But your sister is very unsteady. We’ll need to operate if she is going to live at all. She’ll be lucky if we accomplish that, and there is a 1% chance she’ll be able to walk at all. “No! NO!” I wail and run to Ashley. “I’ll never forgive myself if you die!”
The surgery. It’s going right inside that room. Please ,please God! I pray, let the doctors help my sister. Please. I shuffle up and down the hall. Pacing, waiting. I’m not the only one either. Flo, Joe ,Moe and Boe, all have their thumbs in their mouths and are suckig unhappily. Emily paces up and down, faster and faster. Like she does for her big tests at college. The quintuplets are so sad that they haven’t pulled out their phones for hours. Alex isn’t even hungry.
Hours after surgery the huge door opens and a Doctor steps out. He sighs and we all look at him expectedly . Out spoken Jane looks at him easily.”Let us in!” she declares like a queen. “I want to see Ashley NOW!!” The Doctors stutters, a little taken aback. “Yes, o-o-ff course.” No sooner are the words out of his mouth than we all trample him in a sea of heads. We ran into the room. Ashley was sitting up in bed looking groggy but happy to see us.Every one talked to her for a minute then went quietly out. I needed to talk to my sister.
“Ash?” I crept closer to the bed. “I..” I began to cry as I poured out my whole story, starting with how I should have helped her, and ending with, “Can you walk?”
Ashley shook her head. “ Not now not later. Never.”
“It’s all my fault!!”
“ No it is not!!! You listen to me Miss Angelina Marie Jokerson!You were not the wind that knocked me down. You were not me, who should have been more careful. You could not of helped, or you might have gotten hurt worse. You are my SISTER! I love you! I’ll even apologize if it makes you feel better! I’ve been looking up wheelchair sports, and Dad will sign me up for wheely b-ball when I get a little better. I know you’ll help me make a cool wheelchair and if anyone makes fun of me you can be my feet and I’ve still got to good fists to knock ‘em out with! I ain’t gonna let a tree make me surrender!
“No,” I whispered, “In the words of John Paul Jones,I have notyet begun to fight!”
Sunday, February 22, 2009
I am sorry that I haven't posted in a while but i've been working on a story that I will post here later, so my posting will not be to frequent while I get that done. However,(ok I am starting to sound nerdy) I wanted to post this song that I wrote about my grandma. I might put it on video later so you can here the tune but I really don't feel like doing that now and having to record it, then plug it up to the computer and load it, click on it, write a post, and then wait for it to upload, which will take a long time. So here it is.....
Dee,she didn't like tea,
Diet Pepsi, was better for herrr.
Dee, she had poofy hair,
It stood up like air,
But she didn't care.
Dee, she liked pantsuits,
Didn't care for boots.
She liked heels though,
And in her carshe could really go!!!!
Dee, Dee,Dee,Dee, d-dee, Dee, Dee, Dee, Dee
Dee, she wore lots of beads,
And she Loves me!!
Dee,she didn't like tea,
Diet Pepsi, was better for herrr.
Dee, she had poofy hair,
It stood up like air,
But she didn't care.
Dee, she liked pantsuits,
Didn't care for boots.
She liked heels though,
And in her carshe could really go!!!!
Dee, Dee,Dee,Dee, d-dee, Dee, Dee, Dee, Dee
Dee, she wore lots of beads,
And she Loves me!!
Sunday, February 8, 2009
Lamplight shuts out the moonlight,
Skyscrapers grate out the stars,
Airplanes are a splotched ink blot on clouds crisp white papers.
Why do we pollute the earth so? Only God knows..only God knows.
Skyscrapers grate out the stars,
Airplanes are a splotched ink blot on clouds crisp white papers.
Why do we pollute the earth so? Only God knows..only God knows.
Friday, February 6, 2009
I got the part of Doeremi Fasolati in the play at church which is AWESOME!I think tickets for my school play are 15$ (sorry, a school fundraiser) but if you have a lot of kids you could just do like a mommyand daughter date. You really should come. It will have Madline, Charlie Brown, and Beauty and the Beast.Lots of singing and dancing fun!
Sunday, February 1, 2009
The Circus
Guess What? We went to the circus! (Okay that's kind of obvious by the title but ,work with me here.)IT WAS AWESOME! Okay if you perhaps are debating whether to go to the greatest show on earth(I'm not joking, that's their name) by all means get in your car RIGHT NOW!!!They had this huge steel ball(about the size of of a tree)and 7 motorcyles rode all around in it.It had lots of horses and even TIGERS! Yes,Tigers!They had a whole routine they did!(In a net of course)They also had a elephant train, and amazing dogs,to name a few!Their was lots of dancing with amazing gymnasts and a guy who rode a motorcycle up a tight rope with a women sitting on a bar below!They even spun around! It was so cool and watch out other circuses because I have set some high standerds.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
haircuts part 2
Well there have been some objections to my post and being the young,inoccent ,honest reporter I am I must tell both sides of the story including, mine (see haircuts)so here are Dad and Grandpa's sides.Which one s right or is it both?Will a family skirmish break out?Will Dad and Grandpa sit on oppisite table sides yelling?!!(Ok i'm going overboard and being plain silly because they probably will laugh and tell old,funny,embarassing stories about Dad and I might get a few indignant comments ..but back to the point.)
Dad:For the record... Grandpa was not very gentle with the scissors. I nearly lost an ear several times.- Dan
Grandpa:Let the record show that there were no injuries associated with haircuts at the Rutledge household. There may have been suggestions of what might happen if certain customers did not sit still.
See, I told you so.
Dad:For the record... Grandpa was not very gentle with the scissors. I nearly lost an ear several times.- Dan
Grandpa:Let the record show that there were no injuries associated with haircuts at the Rutledge household. There may have been suggestions of what might happen if certain customers did not sit still.
See, I told you so.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Henry got a haircut a few minutes ago.He looks kinda like Obama is what my dad said.Daddy also said that when he was a boy and Papa had to cut his hair,he would cry.I think Henry is going to have lots of girls when he grows up.Dad said he never had that problem so Henry will be lucky.I also think Henry will be a pro football player.Then again, you never know..but he can already throw really far( maybe 15 yards)and can do pullups(of which I can do none.Angelyn also beats me every time at tug-a-war.I don't like that.)So , here I am, Predictor of the Future(will no real sense in what it will hold).
Friday, January 23, 2009
doctor's visits
At some point in the week every single person in my family was stuck with some kind of needle.Ouch.It's true.I got a shot for going into middle school which didn't really hurt at the time but gets quite sore afterwords.I also got a chicken pox vaccine which hurt a little. Then the whammer.The Tb test. All you mom's with doctor-hating kids please strap them into a straight jacket to prevent serious injury to both people.(Ok teensy exaggeration,but hey it's my blog.Seriously though,it hurts.)I have no offense to Doctors,my MD is Great!I love her.And she knows us by name.Seriously.It hurts because it is right in the muscle.( my doctors name is Dr Riley, at Providence Pediatrics)My mom even had to hold my arm.I won't deny that I cried and wailed "OW MOMMY IT HURTS!!!!!!!!"But we got ice cream afterwards which was cool because we had it on Monday to for my brothers.(Lucky Henry only got a finger prick but Zane got three like me.Oh I'm a poet, don't ya know it.Just look at my toes, their long fellows.Get it?LOL)But don't say I didn't warn you!!!
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Monday, January 19, 2009
GUESS WHAT?????My teacher siad it's supposed to start snowing(well, raining)around 3 in the morning and stop around 1 in the afternoon! That's ten hours of snow!Or 6oo minutes!12,000 seconds!!!!!!!!!Also President Obama has his inguration tommorow!He is a really good speaker!Did you hear about the plane crash?It was amazing!
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Monday, January 5, 2009
I heard that if you put on your pajamas backward and inside out ,put a spoon under your pillow ,and flush ice cubes down the toilet before you go to bed SNOW SHOULD COME!!The weather thinks spoon=shovel ice-snow(I put 4 ice cubes because there is 4 letters in snow)and I have no clue about the pajams. So please, do it yourself,tell your friends,tell your kids,post on your blog SPRED THE WORD!!And pray for SNOOOOWWWW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Snow,wonderful stuff
Soft like marshmellow fluff
so dazziling white
You don't need a light
To take the blues away, you just need a little
Snow,wonderful stuff
Soft like marshmellow fluff
so dazziling white
You don't need a light
To take the blues away, you just need a little
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Jamin Samuel Rutledge
This is my aunt's new baby!!!His name is Jamin Samuel Rutledge(Jamin is prounouced with a long a like in Jamie)or Jam Slam! He was born January 2,2009 and this poem is dedicated to him...
Tiny little fingers,tiny little toes
And don't forget a small petite nose
Hear the cries chime
God the maker in his prime
But when they sleep
Not a peep
SO CUTE!!!!!!!!!!!
Turtle footie PJ'S!!!
Tiny little fingers,tiny little toes
And don't forget a small petite nose
Hear the cries chime
God the maker in his prime
But when they sleep
Not a peep

Saturday, January 3, 2009
We had a great time in MI! I got a digital camera for Christmas!So as soon as I (well,my dad)figure out how to upload and stuff my blog will have lots more video and photos! (it shoots video too!!!!!) I a;lso got new Pumas, which are my fave shoe brand!!!From my other Grandma I got a bathrobe and cute clogs!!Well,more about the trip later but..MY AUNT HAD HER NEW BABY YESTERDAY!!!!!!!!!!IT"S A BOY !! They haven't named him but I might post photos later!
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