Tuesday, June 17, 2008

our week in photo's

me in my bedroom the speakers and cd/casette player on my dresser are new. i got them for 5$ on saturday at a garage sale. I LOVE bargains like that!
this is angeln with her new lego ship/portable house that me and her built. She's getting really good with those legos!
this is me in my suit getting ready to play lasertag at sports connection. I know looks scary but you shoot beams at the back, front and shoulders of the other team. also there bases. It was SO much fun and we had a great time!
This is angelyn with her lego house she built by herself
Me with my lego house that I built by myself.
an above view of my house.
my car.
Henry's house condo's that he loves to make himself.

Zane's fighter plane built with only a little help from dad and directions. I couldn't make it!

Sunday, June 8, 2008


Today we were playing legos and I gave Henry some lego heads to put on his lego guy.(I'm sorry if this is hard to follow but the boys have loved legos since they heard about them and we have only about 500 pieces. Those of you with boys five years and up will probably understand)Well anyway, I went back to building a lego manshion(is that how you spell it?)when suddenly Henry when over to the cabniet and preceeded to begin doing something(I don't know what but when you 6 years old and it's summer you dont really hve to have a good reason for anything.) Just then I heard a THONK! and Henry sat down on the ground and began to rub his head vigoriusly. Then Zane piped up "Kayla", he said "I think you might need to give Henry another head." "Why?" I said grumpily ,(our upstairs air-conditioner is broken and I was burning up.)"He almost stepped on my house!" "Because I think he cracked his old one when he hit his head on the cabinet !" He rolled around on the floor laughing. Could these kids get any crazier???? Have a great summer!!!!

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Long time,no see

I'm sorry I have not posted in a while but with school coming to and end,the busy rush of everday life and a tangle of confusion with the passwords and usernames that we use to be able to post here resulted in ......well you get the idea. The past week or so I have noticed that blogs are funnier than mine which is pretty boring. We have not had "The Boxer Rebellion" nor have I been a model for hair stilists. Instead I have been caught up in a baby mob. My teacher's (Mr.Lutomski(Mr. Lu), and with earrings and a shiny bald head with a love for Elvis he's seriously cool) wife is having Ava Larrisa Lutomski due in September. And with me just finding out about my aunt being only ten weeks pregant. I'ts really weird. Plus Mr. Lu's baby shower was today and there was alot of thanks yous and "the baby will be just adorable". My friends actually burned there own CD of baby songs for Ava. HELP! THE WORLD'S GETTING RUN OVER BY BABY'S!AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!